1. Which group listed below of the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament runs perpendicular from the alveolar bone to the cementum and resists lateral forces? Oblique Horizontal Apical Alveolar crest 2. Atypical dentin is formed due to defect in Apposition Morphodifferentiation Initiation Histodifferentiation 3. Which muscle is a synergist for the lateral pterygoid muscle Latera pterygoid Medial pterygoid Massater Buccinator 4. Carmalt’s glands are Minor salivary gland(retromolar) Major salivary gland Minor salivary gland (lingual) Taste buds 5. The physiological rest position of the mandible is established when the condyles are in their most retruded position maxillary and mandibular teeth make the greatest occlusal contact condyles are in most protruded position muscles of mastication are in tonic equilibrium 6. A bacterial enzyme capable of altering the ground substance of the PDL is Dextrase Hyaluronidase Mucinase Amylase 7. Tomes process is a derivative of Odontoblast Amelocyte Ameloblast Mesenchymal cell 8. Keratinosomes(odland body) help in Exchange of fluids Nutrition Sensory perception Formation of intercellular agglutinating material 9. The mesial and distal aspect (or surfaces) of all anterior teeth have a: Square outline Rhomboidal outline Trapezoidal outline Triangular outline 10. In right lateral excursion, which of the following is correct? The mandibular teeth move to the left. Both A and C. The left mandibular teeth are on the working side. The mandibular teeth move to the right. 11. Compact bone and cellular cementum are similar as they contain Sharpey’s fibers and elastic fibers Lacunae and elastic fibers Collagen fibers and blood vessels Canaliculi and incremental lines 12. predominant type of collagen in cementum is type 1 type 4 type 2 type 3 13. The upper compartment of the temporomandibular joint is that space between the retrodiscal tissue and capsular ligament disc and the articular fossa and eminence inferior and superior retrodiscal lamina ondylar head and the disc 14. An individual who never formed 3rd molars has which of the following Anodontia Hypodontia Oligodontia Hyperdontia 15. When the posterior teeth are in crossbite relationship Which of the following cusps are considered supporting cusps maxillary lingual and mandibular facial maxillary facial and mandibular facial maxillary lingual and mandibular lingua maxillary facial and mandibular lingual 16. hammock ligament is present between hamular notch and mandible between temporal and sphenoid bone As a part of deep cervical fascia In apical areas of a tooth 17. Amelogenesis imperfecta is due to ENAM MSX-1 PAX9 DSPP 18. Type of collagen found in principal fibers is type I Type III Type IV Type II 19. The only tooth with three different occlusal schemes is the mandibular 2nd premolar. mandibular 1st molar. mandibular 2nd molar mandibular 1st premolar. 20. The widest incisal or occlusal embrassures is normally found between which of the following permanent maxillary teeth central incisors lateral incisors and canine central and lateral incisors first and 2nd PM Loading … Question 1 of 20