1. The commonest teeth involved in transposition are Maxillary canine and 1st PM Maxillary CI and LI Maxillary 1st PM and 2nd PM Maxillary canine and LI 2. A particular glycoprotein which occurs in filamentous form in the periodontal ligament is called Proline Hydroxyproline Fibronectin Chitin 3. Which of the following is a microdont? Peg-shaped lateral Cusp of Carabelli Dens evaginatus Geminated incisor 4. How many planes of movement can the mandible move in? Two Four One Three 5. In which of the following mandibular positions would you find the greatest increase in VDO from centric occlusion? Centric relation Postural position Anterior edge-to-edge position Maximum protrusion 6. Which anterior tooth has the greatest faciolingual-to-mesiodistal length ratio when viewed from the occlusal? Mandibular central incisor Maxillary central incisor Mandibular lateral incisor Maxillary lateral incisor 7. High level of amino peptidase is seen in Dental lamina Stratum intermedium Stellate reticulum Ameloblasts 8. Most abundant myelinated fibre present in pulp A beta A delta C fibre A alpha 9. Which of the following represents the most common anatomic feature that complicates periodontal maintenance in a maxillary first premolar Deep concavity on the mesial surface of the tooth Intermediate furcational ridge Excessive convexity of the faical root Mesiolingual developmental groove 10. Which of the following molars has the largest mesiodistal measurements of its crown maxillary 2nd mandibular 1st mandibular 2nd maxillary 1st 11. Atypical dentin is formed due to defect in Initiation Histodifferentiation Apposition Morphodifferentiation 12. Which of the following does not contain taste buds Circumvallate papillae Filiform papillae Fungiform papillae Foliate papillae 13. Least calcified structure is Enamel lamella and incremental lines Enamel lamella and enamel prisms Enamel lamella and perikymata Enamel lamella and gnarled enamel 14. Wandering cells of pulp are Histiocytes Fibroblasts Lymphoid wandering cells Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells 15. Which component of the free gingiva listed below fills the embrasure space between the area of tooth contact? Free gingival groove Gingival sulcus Gingival margin lnterdental gingiva 16. All of the following teeth are nonsuccedaneous, except: The permanent maxillary and mandibular third molars The permanent maxillary and mandibular second molars The permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars The permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars 17. Before eruption the position of permanent mandibular incisor buds relative to primary incisors is inferior and lingual superior and lingual inferior and facial superior and facial 18. In cross sections of human enamel many rods resemble Triangle Cow horn Skin scales Fish scales 19. The first formed dentin which is not mineralised is Predentin Peritubular Odontoblastic process Intertubular 20. Which of the following cusps on a mandibular 1st molar has the largest pulp horn? Distolingual Mesiolingual Distobuccal Mesiobuccal Loading … Question 1 of 20