1. Which type of collagen fibers demonstrates “chicken wire” configuration


2. Nerve fibers in dental pulp are


3. The parotid duct opens on the oral surface of the cheek through a small opening opposite which tooth listed below?


4. Which of the following intrinsic muscle fibers flattens and broadens the tongue


5. The glenoid fossa is a portion of which bone?


6. Sex determination is possible with which of the following protein


7. The enamel has no capacity of self repair because


8. Which teeth listed below should ideally provide the predominant guidance through the full range of movement in lateral mandibular excursions?


9. The contact area between the maxillary central incisors is located at


10. How many planes of movement can the mandible move in?


11. Sensation of pain in pulp is mediated by


12. A particular glycoprotein which occurs in filamentous form in the periodontal ligament is called


13. Th cap stage contains the following transitory structures


14. Color of primary teeth is lighter than permanent teeth because of


15. A bacterial enzyme capable of altering the ground substance of the PDL is


16. Which of the following chronic conditions may cause tooth abrasion?


17. The most widely accepted theory for dentinal hypersensitivity is


18. Which teeth listed below typically have trifurcations?


19. Transfer of metabolities in pulp is due to


20. In non functioning teeth there is


Question 1 of 20