1. Which of the following are the principal muscle fibres that retrude the mandible


2. Which group listed below of the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament runs perpendicular from the alveolar bone to the cementum and resists lateral forces?


3. A child 19 months old will have how many teeth?


4. During typical empty mouth swallowing, the mandible is braced in which jaw position listed below to allow for proper stabilization?


5. Intermediate plexus is seen in the


6. The remnants of epithelial root sheath found in periodontal ligament are called


7. Epithelial pearls are


8. Which muscle is a synergist for the lateral pterygoid muscle


9. The red zones of lips have


10. At what stage of developmentof a tooth does dentinogenesis imperfecta accur


11. Alignment of teeth in a curve from anterior to posterior is called


12. Which of the following groups of fibers are not attached to alveolar bone


13. The type of fibrous element in enamel is


14. Which anterior tooth has the greatest faciolingual-to-mesiodistal length ratio when viewed from the occlusal?


15. Which of the following teeth have proximal contact areas at approximately the same levels cervicoincisally or cervico-occlusally on the mesial and the distal


16. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament are


17. The enamel has no capacity of self repair because


18. The crown of a mandibular lateral incisor compared to the crown of a mandibular central incisor in the same mouth is best described as


19. Which two muscles form a sling around the mandible


20. Taste sensation in tongue is due to which membrane bound protein


Question 1 of 20