1. Histidine is converted to histamine byTransaminationHydroxylationReductionDecarboxylationQuestion 1 of 20 2. All of the following are reducing sugars exceptSucroseLactoseMaltoseGlucoseQuestion 2 of 20 3. Which type of RNA has the highest percentage of modified basem RNAt RNAr RNAsn RNAQuestion 3 of 20 4. A child was found to have hypoglycemia,hepatomegaly and accumulation of highly branched glycogen called limit dextrins.He is likely to be suffering fromAnderson's diseaseMcArdle's diseaseVon Gierke's diseaseCori's diseaseQuestion 4 of 20 5. Most abundant RNAMicro RNArRNAmRNAtRNAQuestion 5 of 20 6. Glucoronide reaction is seen inNon enzymatic reactionEnzymatic reaction with NADPHPhase 1Phase 2Question 6 of 20 7. Prolonged carbohydrate deficiency leads torespiratory acidosisketoacidosisvitamin C deficiencyMetabolic alkalosisQuestion 7 of 20 8. Citrate synthesase is inhibited byInsulinGlucagonADPATPQuestion 8 of 20 9. Folding of protein chain is due tophosphodiesterase bondsAmide bondHydrogen bondsDisulphide bondQuestion 9 of 20 10. Which of these is a water soluble vitamin?Vit AVit DVit EVit B12Question 10 of 20 11. Maximum energy is liberated by hydrolysis ofGlucose-5-phosphateCreatine phosphatePhosphenol pyruvateATPQuestion 11 of 20 12. Vitamin B12 and folic acid supplementation in megaloblastic anemia leads to the improvement of anemia due toIncreased iron absorptionIncreased hemoglobin productionErythroid hyperplasiaIncreased DNA synthesis in bone marrowQuestion 12 of 20 13. Most important tool used in genetic engineeringGenesRibozymesPeptidyl-transferaseEnzymesQuestion 13 of 20 14. Dietary triglycerides are digested and broken down to free fatty acids and 2-monoacylglycerol by pancreatic lipase which are absorbed with the help ofpepsinogenbile saltstrypsinogenelastaseQuestion 14 of 20 15. Negative nitrogen balance is the characteristic feature of which phase of convalescence after surgeryFat gain phaseTurning point phaseCatabolic phaseAnabolic phaseQuestion 15 of 20 16. for glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a PHC to lab issodium fluoridepotassium oxalate and NAFsodium citrateEDTAQuestion 16 of 20 17. which of the following is the major contributor to colloid osmotic pressurealpha globulingamma globulinalbuminbeta globulinQuestion 17 of 20 18. keratin is aFibrous proteinsNone of the aboveCylindrical proteinsGlobular proteinsQuestion 18 of 20 19. Which of the following is a salivary enzymeAmylaseLipaseLactaseMaltaseQuestion 19 of 20 20. Urea breath test is done inLiver diseaseKidney diseaseKetoacidosisH. pylori infectionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...