1. most non polar amino acid is


2. collagen is rich in


3. Enzyme common between glycogenesis and glycogenolysis


4. What can be prevented by inhibiting aldose reductase in diabetes mellitus


5. gluconeogenesis in fasting state is indicated by


6. Number of ATP produced by RBC when glycolysis occurs through Rapoport Leubering pathway


7. Xylitol is a


8. cell differentiation by surface markers


9. Phenyl ketonuria is caused by defective metabolism of


10. Ketone bodies are formed only in


11. In TCA cycle , substrate level phosphorylation occurs at


12. Which of the following is a salivary enzyme


13. Histidine is the most important amino acid for buffering in normal conditions because


14. Which of the following techniques can be used for exact localisation of a genetic locus


15. Which of the following cells in the body metabolise glucose only through anaerobic pathways


16. Urea is produced by the enzyme


17. Source of energy in krebs cycle is


18. Reducing sugar in urine can be detected by


19. Coenzyme used in Kreb’s cycle is


20. Co-factor for phosphofructokinase is


Question 1 of 20