1. cholesterol is primarily used by mammalian cell as a precursor of ketone bodies a precursors of polyunsaturated fatty acids an energy storage material a component of cell membranes 2. Glycine is used for synthesis of the following except Serotonin Heme Creatine Purine 3. True about glycolysis are all except Provides nutrition to cancer cells NADPH is formed by glyceraldehyde -3-phosphate dehydrogenase substrate level phosphorylation at pyruvate kinase Two carbon end product is formed 4. Unaltered final product of TCA cycle Pyrovate CO2 Acetyl CoA Oxaloacetate 5. Main enzyme involved in synthesis of GABA Carboxymoyl-phosphate synthase Pyruvate dehydrogenase Glutamate dehydrogenase Glutamate decarboxylase 6. Citrullinemia is due to deficiency of Arginosuccinate lyase CPS-1 Arginosuccinate synthase Arginase 7. which amino acid migrates faster on paper chromatography on methyl cellulose medium glycine valine aspartic acid lysine 8. Alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are examples of Primary Tertiary structure Secondary structure Quaternary structure 9. Which of the following is involved in both fatty acid catabolism and synthesis malonyl Co enzyme A Co-enzyme A Alcohol dehydrogenase Carnitine 10. Urea is synthesized in all except Liver Kidney Spleen Brain 11. a person with von Gierke’s disease has ketosis. All are true for ketosis in this patient except hypertriglyceridemia Lactic acidosis fat mobilisation is less hypoglycaemia 12. which of the following is the major contributor to colloid osmotic pressure alpha globulin gamma globulin albumin beta globulin 13. for glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a PHC to lab is potassium oxalate and NAF sodium citrate sodium fluoride EDTA 14. Which of the following enzyme doesnot catalyse irreversible step in glycolysis Phosphoglycerate kinase Pyruvate kinase Hexokinase Phosphofructokinase 15. Prolonged carbohydrate deficiency leads to vitamin C deficiency ketoacidosis respiratory acidosis Metabolic alkalosis 16. Lactate produced anaerobically is used by Cori cycle only Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis Cori cycle and gluconeogenesis TCA cycle and glycogenolysis 17. Why citric acid cycle called amphibolic pathway Both exergonic and endergonic reactions takes place Metabolites are utilised in other pathways Same enzymes can be used in reverse directions It can proceed both in forward and backward direction 18. Maple syrup urine disease is due to Transaminase Mutase alpha-ketoacid decarboxylase isomerise 19. What will happen to structure of alpha helix if L-alanine is replaced by d-alanine alternatively Increased stereoisomerism Interruption of structure Change in optical activity Increased stability 20. Cytochromes are Riboflavin containing nucleotides Iron porphyrin proteins Pyridine nucleotides Metal containing flavoproteins Loading … Question 1 of 20