1. Edman’s reagent is


2. Urea is produced by the enzyme


3. Which of the following is caused by defective transport of tryptophan


4. All of the following are sources of acetyl Co-A for fatty acid synthesis except one.Which one is the exception


5. Allosteric inhibitors of TCA Cycle are all except


6. in CRP, the C stands for


7. Inhibitor of F0F1 ATPase in Electron transport chain-


8. Which of the following is used to study protein-protein interaction


9. Which of the following is an aldose


10. Insulin doesnot facilitate glucose uptake in the following except


11. Major source of ammonia in the kidney is


12. CO acts by inhibiting which component of respiratory chain-


13. increased levels of alanine in serum after fasting suggests


14. nephrometry is based on the principle of


15. Carnitine is synthesized from


16. replacing alanine by which amino acid will increase UV absorption of protein at 280um wavelength


17. Co-factor for L-amino acid oxidase is


18. In malate shuttle,NADH produces how many ATPs


19. the structural proteins are involved in maintaining the shape of cell or in the formation of matrices in the body.the shape of these proteins is


20. ketones cannot be utilised by


Question 1 of 20