1. Which of these is not a cofactor for glycogen phophorylase, an important enzyme of the glycogenolysis pathway


2. The reducing equivalents for fatty acid synthesis are derived from


3. chymotrypsinogen is a


4. Rate limiting step in urea cycle is catalysed by


5. Immediate metabolic products during conversion of Fructus1-6 biphosphate to 2 molecules of pyruvate


6. Carnitine is synthesized from


7. Which vitamin is essential for metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids


8. Glycine is used for synthesis of the following except


9. Semi essential amino acid is


10. replacing alanine by which amino acid will increase UV absorption of protein at 280um wavelength


11. GLUT-5 is transporter for


12. True about denatured proteins


13. Both ketogenic and glucogenic amino acid is


14. Insulin doesnot facilitate glucose uptake in the following except


15. Least energy producing cycle


16. Regulating enzymes in gluconeogenesis are all ,except


17. Coenzyme used in Kreb’s cycle is


18. eukayotic plasma membrane is made up of all except


19. The protein rich in basic amino acids, which functions in the packaging of DNA in chromosomes, is


20. Role of selenocystein is important in


Question 1 of 20