Question 1 of 20 1. Styloglossus action is:Elevation of tongueDepression of tongueProtrusion of tongueRetraction of tongueQuestion 1 of 20Question 2 of 20 2. Unilateral Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve:Hoarseness of voiceInspiratory StridorTimbre of voiceAphoniaQuestion 2 of 20Question 3 of 20 3. Lateral movement of condyle takes place byContralateral lateral pterygoidSame side lateral pterygoidBoth medial and lateral pterygoidIpsilateral lateral pterygoidQuestion 3 of 20Question 4 of 20 4. Type of collagen not seen in cartilage isType IVType IIType IXType VIQuestion 4 of 20Question 5 of 20 5. Suprahyoid muscles in the floor of mouth are supplied by:Lingual arteryInferior alveolar arteryMaxillary arteryFacial arteryQuestion 5 of 20Question 6 of 20 6. Thyroid Cartilage Develops from2nd Branchial Arch6th Branchial Arch4th Branchial Arch3rd Branchial ArchQuestion 6 of 20Question 7 of 20 7. Nasal epistaxis occurs due to:Anastomosis of two veins at the anteroinferior part of the nasal septumAnastomosis of two arteries at the anterosuperior part of the nasal septumAnastomosis of two arteries at the anteroinferior part of the nasal septumAnastomosis of one artery and one vein at the anteroinferior part of the nasal septumQuestion 7 of 20Question 8 of 20 8. Hypothetically speaking, when preparing a cavity preparation on the crown of a fully formed permanent tooth, as you initially cut through enamel and into dentin, which structure is first being penetrated?OdontoblastsRadicular dentinCircumpulpal dentinMantle dentinQuestion 8 of 20Question 9 of 20 9. Nasolacrimal duct drains into:Superior meatusInferior meatusEthrnoidal bullaMiddle meatusQuestion 9 of 20Question 10 of 20 10. Coordination of muscle movement, as well as maintenance of equilibrium and posture, are controlled by which structure of the brain?CerebellumPonsCerebrumMedullaQuestion 10 of 20Question 11 of 20 11. The crista galli is a superior extension of which of the following bones?SphenoidEthmoidFrontalVomerQuestion 11 of 20Question 12 of 20 12. Two cell lines derived from a single zygote is called:HeterozygoteSegregationMosaicismChimerismQuestion 12 of 20Question 13 of 20 13. Epidural hematoma in the temporoparietal region is commonly caused by the rupture ofAnterior vertebral arteryMiddle meningeal arteryDural venous sinusOpthalmic veinsQuestion 13 of 20Question 14 of 20 14. Muscle that is supplied by facial and mandibular nerve isMedial PterygoidDigastricBuccinatorMasseterQuestion 14 of 20Question 15 of 20 15. Not a retractor of scapula:TrapeziusRhomboideus majorRhomboideus minorLevator scapulaeQuestion 15 of 20Question 16 of 20 16. Median nerve damage is more common when ABG sample is taken from:RadialFemoralBrachialExternal carotid arteryQuestion 16 of 20Question 17 of 20 17. The following branches originate directly from the subclavian artery, exceptThyro-cervical trunkInternal ThoracicSupra scapularVertebralQuestion 17 of 20Question 18 of 20 18. Following statements are true regarding the SA node, except thatIt is located at the right border of the ascending aortaIt is supplied by the arterial branches of the right coronary arteryIt initiates cardiac conductionIt contains specialized nodal cardiac muscleQuestion 18 of 20Question 19 of 20 19. Difference between typical cervical & thoracic vertebraHas a triangular bodyHas a foramen transversariumSuperior articular facet directed backwards & upwardsHas a large vertebral bodyQuestion 19 of 20Question 20 of 20 20. All of the following are the components of the white pulp of spleen, except:Periarteriolar lymphoid sheathVascular sinusAntigen presenting cellsB cellsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...