Question 1 of 20

1. All of the following cell types contain the enzyme which protects the length of telomerase at the end of chromosomes, EXCEPT:

Question 1 of 20

Question 2 of 20

2. Nerve supply of buccinator muscle?

Question 2 of 20

Question 3 of 20

3. Type of collagen not seen in cartilage is

Question 3 of 20

Question 4 of 20

4. Secretomotor fibers of lacrimal gland relay in:

Question 4 of 20

Question 5 of 20

5. Which of the following represents the secretory product of the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland?

Question 5 of 20

Question 6 of 20

6. Sex determining region of chromosome is:

Question 6 of 20

Question 7 of 20

7. A dome shaped skull is known as

Question 7 of 20

Question 8 of 20

8. Spheno occipital Synchondrosis fuses by what age

Question 8 of 20

Question 9 of 20

9. Type of Collagen in Hyaline cartilage

Question 9 of 20

Question 10 of 20

10. Waldeyer ring contain all groups of lymph nodes except:

Question 10 of 20

Question 11 of 20

11. Palatine aponeurosis is

Question 11 of 20

Question 12 of 20

12. Cranial flat bones show what kind of ossification:

Question 12 of 20

Question 13 of 20

13. The carotid artery may be palpated at the

Question 13 of 20

Question 14 of 20

14. The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called

Question 14 of 20

Question 15 of 20

15. The external jugular vein is formed by which two veins?

Question 15 of 20

Question 16 of 20

16. Which of the following vertebral levels best determine the position of the thyroid isthmus

Question 16 of 20

Question 17 of 20

17. Muscle responsible for opening mandible

Question 17 of 20

Question 18 of 20

18. All of the following statements are true for metaphysis of bone except :

Question 18 of 20

Question 19 of 20

19. Deoxygenated blood from the transverse sinus drains into the

Question 19 of 20

Question 20 of 20

20. Blood supply of small bones is by:

Question 20 of 20