Question 1 of 20 1. The carotid artery may be palpated at theThyroid cartilageTransverse process of C5Transverse process of C6Hyoid boneQuestion 1 of 20Question 2 of 20 2. Which structure does not pass through the jugular foramenVagus nerveInternal carotid arteryAccessory nerveGlossopharyngeal nerveQuestion 2 of 20Question 3 of 20 3. Which of the following is not supplied by the anterior division of mandibular nerve (V3)Medial pterygoidTemporalisLateral pterygoidMasseterQuestion 3 of 20Question 4 of 20 4. Direct and consensual light reflex are mediated viaAbducent nerveOptic nerveOcclumotor nerveOphthalmic nerveQuestion 4 of 20Question 5 of 20 5. Weakness in posterior pharyngeal wall leading to formation of Pharyngeal pouch is also called as:Killian's dehiscencePosterior opening DiaphragmZenker's diverticulumKillian's diverticulumQuestion 5 of 20Question 6 of 20 6. Middle superior Alveolar nerve is a branch ofMandibular nerveMaxillary nerveFacial NerveLingual nerveQuestion 6 of 20Question 7 of 20 7. The arterial supply of trachea is by the:Bronchial arterySuperior thyroid arteryInferior thyroid arteryTracheal arteryQuestion 7 of 20Question 8 of 20 8. Nerve supply to musculature of tongue is:FacialVagusGlossopharyngealHypoglossalQuestion 8 of 20Question 9 of 20 9. The nerve supply of stapedius muscle is:III cranial nerveVII cranial nerveXI cranial nerveV cranial nerveQuestion 9 of 20Question 10 of 20 10. In adults, the spinal cord normally ends atLower border of S1Lower border of L5Lower border of L3Lower border of L1Question 10 of 20Question 11 of 20 11. Which of the following represents the secretory product of the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland?IodineCalcitoninProteaseThyroxineQuestion 11 of 20Question 12 of 20 12. Which of the following is the normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessels in the tongue from medial to lateral?Vein, artery and nerve.Nerve, artery and vein.Artery, nerve and vein.Nerve, artery.Question 12 of 20Question 13 of 20 13. Which of these is not a part of ethmoid boneUncinate processInferior turbinateAgger nasi cellsCribriform plate or crista galiQuestion 13 of 20Question 14 of 20 14. Which of the following arteries is the MAJOR blood supply to the orbit and eye?MaxillaryFacialTransverse facialOphthalmicQuestion 14 of 20Question 15 of 20 15. Passavant ridge is made of:Tensor palatineSalpingopharyngeusPalatopharyngeusStylopharyngeusQuestion 15 of 20Question 16 of 20 16. Which of the following types of cartilage has the ability to calcify?Elastic and hyalineHyalineFibrocartilageElasticQuestion 16 of 20Question 17 of 20 17. The floor of the mouth and suprahyoid muscles are supplied byMaxillary nerveFacial nerveLingual nerveInferior alveolar nerveQuestion 17 of 20Question 18 of 20 18. Palatine aponeurosis isA part of muscle uvulae.Tendon of tensor veli palatine muscle.A modification of palatal periosteum.Tendon of levator veli palatine muscle.Question 18 of 20Question 19 of 20 19. Posterior belly of digastric is innervated by:Facial nerveMandibular nerveGlossopharyngeal nerveMaxillary nerveQuestion 19 of 20Question 20 of 20 20. All of the following are categorized as secondary lymphoid organs except.ThymusSpleenSubepithelial collections of lymphocytesLymph nodesQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...