1. Which of the following is not a content of pterygomandibular spaceLong buccal nerveNerve to medial pterygoidNerve to mylohyoidChorda tympani 2. The tingling sensation felt in the nose just sneezing is carried byGlossopharyngealFacial nerveNasopalatine nerveNasociliary nerve 3. Which of the following is not a sign of stellate ganglion blockMeiosisExophthalmusNasal congestionConjunctival redness 4. The following muscles are supplied by the Facial nerve, exceptOrbicularis oculiBuccinatorMylo hyoidOrbicularis oris 5. Component that develops from 2nd branchial arch is?MandibleMuscle of masticationMuscle of facial expressionTMJ 6. All of the following arteries are branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery except one. Which one is the exception?Incisive artery.Submental artery.Mylohyoid artery.Middle meningeal artery. 7. Pharyngotympanic tube is supplied by all except:Ascending pharyngeal arteryAscending palatine arteryMiddle meningeal arteryArtery of pterygoid canal 8. Artery under pterion:Recurrent meningealOphthalmicMiddle meningealDeep temporal 9. Which is not a branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery:Cavernous branchInferior hypophysealOphthalmic arteryMeningeal artery 10. Not a branch of cavernous part of Internal carotid arteryArtery of Bernasconi and CassinariOphthalmic aMeningeal aInferior hypophyseal a. 11. The suture between the two halves of the Frontal bones isMetopicSymphysisMendosalCoronal 12. Which of the following is not supplied by ipsilateral nerve nucleus?Inferior obliqueInferior rectusMedial rectusSuperior rectus 13. Muscle that is supplied by facial and mandibular nerve isMasseterDigastricMedial PterygoidBuccinator 14. Danger area of face is called so, because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus throughTransverse facial veinSuperior opthalmic veinMaxillary veinEthmoidal vein 15. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is due infection of:Pterygoid plexusSubmental spaceMaxillary sinusSubmandibular space 16. Lingual nerve is the major sensory branch of:Anterior division of mandibular nervePosterior division of mandibular nerveMaxillary nerveFacial nerve 17. The floor of the mouth and suprahyoid muscles are supplied byLingual nerveInferior alveolar nerveMaxillary nerveFacial nerve 18. Which of the following is seen within the cavernous sinus?Trochlear nerveOphthalmic division of the trigeminal nerveMaxillary division of the trigeminal nerveInternal carotid artery 19. Suprahyoid muscles in the floor of mouth are supplied by:Lingual arteryFacial arteryMaxillary arteryInferior alveolar artery 20. Arterial supply of submandibular gland is through which branch of ECAAscending pharyngealSuperior pharyngealMaxillaryFacial 21. Which of the following arteries is the MAJOR blood supply to the orbit and eye?FacialOphthalmicMaxillaryTransverse facial 22. Which of the following nerve innervates the capsule of the temporomandibular jointFacialBuccalMaxillaryAuriculotemporal 23. The secretomotor supply of parotid comes from:Greater petrosalAuriculotemporalMaxillaryChorda tympani 24. Which of the following bone reaches adult size before birth:OssiclesMastoidMaxillaParietal 25. Muscle responsible for side to side movement of mandible:Lateral pterygoidTemporalisMasseterBuccinator 26. Which muscle depresses and moves mandibular forward:Medial pterygoidMasseterTemporalisLateral pterygoid 27. The muscle that is attached to the articular disc of and that brings about its forward movement isMedial pterygoidLateral pterygoidMasseterTemporalis 28. Which muscle causes depression of mandible:Medial pterygoidLateral pterygoidMasseterTemporalis 29. Lymph from tongue is not drained by which of the following vessels:Posterior vesselsCentral vesselsMarginal vesselsVentral vessels 30. Radial artery is palpated lateral to:Flexor carpa radialisFlexor carpi ulnarisLumbricalsAnterior interossei 31. Damage to facial nerve just above branching of chorda tympani nerve injury. All of the following are features of unilateral hypoglossal nerve damage exceptHyperacusisDecreased salivationLoss of taste from tongueParalysis of muscles of facial expression 32. Lesion of facial nerve at level of stylomastoid foramen leads to:Loss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongueParalysis of orbicularis oculi muscleLoss of innervation to stapediusLoss of lacrimal secretion 33. Only sensory branch of anterior division of mandibular nerve is:Auriculotemporal nerveLingualLong buccalInferior alveolar 34. Tongue movement has its primary effect onPalatoglossal archFacial musculatureLipsCheeks 35. Which of the following nerves supplies taste sensation to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue?Hypoglossal.Glossopharyngeal.Lingual.Facial. 36. Middle superior Alveolar nerve is a branch ofMandibular nerveMaxillary nerveLingual nerveFacial Nerve 37. All are muscles of soft palate except:RisoriusTensor palatineLevator palatineMusculus uvulae 38. Which of the following does not give sensory supply to the pinna:Auricotemporal NerveGreat Auricular NerveLesser Occipital NerveTympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal Nerve 39. Deviation of tongue to the right side on protrusion indicates injury to:Right hypoglossal nerveLeft hypoglossal nerveLeft lingual nerveRight lingual nerve 40. When a person protrudes his tongue it deviates to the right, which of the following nerve is damaged:GlossopharyngealRight hypoglossalLeft hypoglossalMandibular 41. The lateral pterygoid muscle attaches to which of the following?Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate.Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate.Lateral surface of the medial pterygoid plate.Medial surface of the medial pterygoid plate. 42. All of the following are innervated by trigeminal nerve except:Stylohyoid muscleTensor veli palatini muscleLateral pterygoid muscleMedial pterygoid muscle 43. Only retractor of mandible:TemporalisMasseterLateral pterygoidMedial pterygoid 44. Which of the following is not supplied by the anterior division of mandibular nerve (V3)TemporalisMasseterLateral pterygoidMedial pterygoid 45. Killan's dehiscence is outpouching of:OropharynxNasopharynxLaryngopharynxTrachea 46. Pain sensation from ethmoid sinus is transmitted through:Infratrochlear nerveNasocilliary nerveLacrimal nerveFrontal nerve 47. All of the following arise from occulomotor nerve except:Nerve to medial rectusNerve to superior rectusLacrimal nerveCommunicating twig to ciliary ganglion 48. The hypopharyngeal diverticulum is normally present at:Laimer's triangleRathke's pouchKillan's dehiscenceDenkers triangle 49. TENSOR PALATI is supplied byVII nerveV nerveIX nerveX nerve 50. Nerve not carrying taste sensation from tongue:VVIIIXX 51. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle?It attaches superiorly at the lateral border of the mandible and inferiorly at the body of the hyoid.It attaches superiorly at the medial border of the mandible and inferiorly at the lesser horn of the hyoid.It attaches superiorly at the medial border of the mandible and inferiorly at the greater horn of the hyoid.It attaches superiorly at the medial border of the mandible and inferiorly at the body of the hyoid. 52. Each of the following statements concerning the foramen magnum are true EXCEPTit is located in the occipital bone.it allows passage of the medulla oblongata/spinal cord.it allows passage of the spinal accessory nerve.it is located in the parietal bone. 53. Which of the following is true about chorda tympaniLies in pterygoid canalCarries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the subinandibular glandIs the nerve of tympanic membraned.It contains postganglionic parasyli fibers 54. The following statements concerning chorda tympani nerve true except that itCarries secretomotor fibres to slubmandibular gland.Joins lingual nerve infratemporal fossa.Is a branch of facial nerve.Contains postganglionic parasympathetic fibers. 55. In lower motor neuron lesion of facial nerve:Ipsilateral paralysis of all facial musclesContralateral paralysis of all facial musclesIpsilateral paralysis of lower facial musclesContralateral paralysis of lower facial muscles 56. The following branches originate directly from the subclavian artery, exceptVertebralThyro-cervical trunkInternal ThoracicSupra scapular 57. Which is the only medial branch of the external carotid artery?Superior ThyroidLingualInternal maxillaryAscending Pharyngeal. 58. Unilateral Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve:Timbre of voiceHoarseness of voiceInspiratory StridorAphonia 59. All of the following statements about the vagus nerve are true except that itSupplies heart and lungCarries postganglionic parasympathetic fibersInnervates right two third of transverse colonStimulates peristalsis and relaxes sphincters 60. Painful sensations from ethmoid transmitted byFrontalNasociliaryInfratrochlearLacrimal 61. In order to test for patency of the trochlear nerve, one would shine a light source directed at the pupil, and have patient follow it in what direction?SuperiorlySuperiorly and mediallyInferiorlyInferiorly and laterally 62. The arterial supply of trachea is by the:Bronchial arteryTracheal arteryInferior thyroid arterySuperior thyroid artery 63. Which of the following nuclei is the primary controller of swallowing?Superior salivatoryNucleus ambiguousInferior salivatoryFacial nucleus 64. Nasolacrimal duct drains into:Superior meatusEthrnoidal bullaInferior meatusMiddle meatus 65. The intrinsic muscle from the dorsum of the tongue to ventral surface is known asVerticalisTransversusInferior longitudinalisSuperior longitudinalis 66. Infection spreading via lymphatics from the lower lip first enters the 168. Branch of facial artery which leaves the submandibular gland, runs blood stream atBrachiocephalic veinInferior labial VeinInferior labial arteryPterygoid venous plexus 67. forward anteriorly over the mylohyoid and branches into deep and superficial branches, isAngularSubmentalInferior labialTonsillar 68. The masseter originates from theCondyle of the mandibleInfratemporal crest of the sphenoid boneInferior border of the zygomatic archPyramidal process of the palatine bone 69. Posterior triangle of neck is divided into two by:Lateral part of sternocleidomastoidLateral belly of trapeziusInferior belly of omohyoidSuperior belly of omohyoid 70. All of the following are found in the posterior triangle of the neck except one. Which one is the exception?External jugular vein.Subclavian vein.Hypoglossal nerve.Phrenic nerve. 71. What is not included in the contents of the sublingual space?Sublingual glandFacial arteryHypoglossal nerveLingual nerve 72. Posterior 1/3 of the tongue is innervated byVagusGlossopharyngealHypoglossalLingual 73. If damaged, all of the following bony structures would directly alter movement of the tongue EXCEPTgenial tubercles.hamulus.hyoid bone.styloid process. 74. Insertion of hyoglossus is at:Base of tongueTip of tongueHyoid boneSide and dorsum of tongue 75. Structures lying deep to posterior belly of digastrics are all, ExceptRetroimandibular veinHypoglossal nerveHyoglossus muscleOccipital artery 76. The superior orbital fissure is located between which of the following bones?Lesser wing of sphenoid and frontal.Ethmoid and maxilla.Greater wing of sphenoid and maxilla.Greater wing of sphenoid and lesser wing of sphenoid. 77. The parasympathetic secretomotor fibres to parotid traverse through the following, Except.Otic ganglionTympanic plexusGreater Petrosal nerveAurico temporal nerve 78. During the removal of the submandibular gland, all of the following nerves may be injured on medial aspect, except:Hypoglossal nerveMylohyoid nerveGlossopharyngeal nerveFacial nerve 79. Sensory fibers from the taste buds in the hard and soft palate travel alongTrigeminal nervesFacial nerveGlossopharyngeal nerveVagus nerve 80. Sensory supply to nasal cavity is byTrigeminalFacialGlossopharyngealFacial 81. Sensory supply of palate is by all except:VagusFacial nerveGlossopharyngealMaxillary 82. All of the following oropharyngeal functions are involuntary, exceptTongue positionRespirationGaggingSpeech 83. The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain into theInternal jugular veinPterygoid plexusFrontal veinFacial vein 84. Which of the following is not a pneumatic bone:MaxillaMandibleFrontalEthmoid 85. The maxillary nerve passes through which of the following?Superior orbital fissure.Internal acoustic meatus.Foramen ovale.Foramen rotundum. 86. Among all of the following foramens in the base of skull, which is, the most posteriorly present:Foramen spinosumForamen rotundumForamen lacerumForamen ovale 87. Infection from facial vein spreads to cavernous sinus because:Venous connections do not have valvesValves are stretched on openingFacial vein opens into interior jugular veinFacial vein communicates with superior ophthalmic vein 88. Branch of External Carotid Artery arising opposite to the tip of greater cornu of hyoid bone is:LingualSuperior thyroidFacialAscending Pharyngeal 89. Which of the following cranial nerve does not carry General Visceral Efferent (GVE) fibresOlfactoryOculomotorFacialGlossopharyngeal 90. Branch of external carotid artery that runs along posterior border of digastricsSuperior thyroidInferior thyroidFacialOccipital 91. Superior thyroid artery is closely related toRecurrent laryngeal nerveInferior thyroid arteryExternal laryngeal nerveInternal laryngeal nerve 92. Not present in posterior triangle:Hypoglossal nervePhrenic nerveExternal jugular veinSubclavian artery 93. The inferior alveolar artery is a DIRECT branch from which of the following arteries?Middle meningealFacialExternal carotidMaxillary 94. Each of the following bones are part of the orbit EXCEPTfrontal.zygoma.ethmoid.temporal. 95. Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies all except:Ethmoidal air cellsMaxillary sinusDural sheath of ant cranial fossaInterior of nasal cavity 96. Which of the following movements are performed by a non-working condyleStraight forwardDownwards Forwards LateralDownwards Forwards MedialDownwards Backwards Medial 97. Styloglossus action is:Protrusion of tongueRetraction of tongueDepression of tongueElevation of tongue 98. With advancing age pattern of bone resorption in mandible becomes:CentrifugalCentripetalDepends upon stageCentrifugal anteriorly, centripetal posteriorly 99. Sublingual salivary gland liesSuperior to MylohyoidInferior to MylohyoidDeep to GeniohyoidIn the vestibule 100. The auriculotemporal nerve encircles which of the following vessels?Maxillary artery.Superficial temporal artery.Deep auricular artery.Middle meningeal artery. Loading...