Question 1 of 20 1. All of the following are categorized as secondary lymphoid organs except.SpleenLymph nodesSubepithelial collections of lymphocytesThymusQuestion 1 of 20Question 2 of 20 2. Nucleus which lies deep to facial colliculus is:VestibulocochlearTrigeminalAbducentFacialQuestion 2 of 20Question 3 of 20 3. Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies all except:Dural sheath of ant cranial fossaInterior of nasal cavityMaxillary sinusEthmoidal air cellsQuestion 3 of 20Question 4 of 20 4. Which of the following cranial nerve does not carry General Visceral Efferent (GVE) fibresFacialGlossopharyngealOlfactoryOculomotorQuestion 4 of 20Question 5 of 20 5. All of the following are composite muscles, except:Flexor digitorum ProfundusPectineusBiceps FemorisFlexor carpi UlnarisQuestion 5 of 20Question 6 of 20 6. The internal jugular vein in neck is located within:Posterior triangleSpinal cordDural sheathCarotid sheathQuestion 6 of 20Question 7 of 20 7. The following branches originate directly from the subclavian artery, exceptThyro-cervical trunkInternal ThoracicVertebralSupra scapularQuestion 7 of 20Question 8 of 20 8. Neuroepithelial type of sensory receptors is present in which of the following systemOlfactoryGustatoryAuditoryVisualQuestion 8 of 20Question 9 of 20 9. What are the types of joints between the ossicles of earPrimary cartilaginousSecondaryFibrous jointsSynovial jointsQuestion 9 of 20Question 10 of 20 10. Not present in posterior triangle:Subclavian arteryExternal jugular veinHypoglossal nervePhrenic nerveQuestion 10 of 20Question 11 of 20 11. All of the following structures pass through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm, exceptThoracic DuctRight Vagus nerveEsophageal Branch of left gastric arteryLeft Vagus NerveQuestion 11 of 20Question 12 of 20 12. Insertion of hyoglossus is at:Tip of tongueHyoid boneSide and dorsum of tongueBase of tongueQuestion 12 of 20Question 13 of 20 13. Nerve supply to musculature of tongue is:HypoglossalFacialGlossopharyngealVagusQuestion 13 of 20Question 14 of 20 14. The maxillary nerve exits the cranium through which foramen:RotundumInferior orbital fissureStylomastoidOvaleQuestion 14 of 20Question 15 of 20 15. Polar bodies are formed during:OrganogenesisMorphogenesisOogenesisSpermatogenesisQuestion 15 of 20Question 16 of 20 16. Sex determination is done by:HoxSRYAZFSHEQuestion 16 of 20Question 17 of 20 17. Which of the following is not a branch of third part of maxillary arteryInfraorbitalLesser palatineSphenopalatineSupraorbital arteryQuestion 17 of 20Question 18 of 20 18. Medulla oblongata is supplied by the following arteries, ExceptBasilar ArteryAnterior Spinal ArteryBulbar ArteryPosterior Inferior cerebellar ArteryQuestion 18 of 20Question 19 of 20 19. Which of the following features distinguishes bone from osteoid?Bone has a mineralized matrix.Bone is not resorbed.Osteoid contains fewer lacunae per unit area.Osteoid contains a different type of fiber in matrix.Question 19 of 20Question 20 of 20 20. Infection spreading via lymphatics from the lower lip first enters the 168. Branch of facial artery which leaves the submandibular gland, runs blood stream atInferior labial arteryBrachiocephalic veinPterygoid venous plexusInferior labial VeinQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...