Question 1 of 20 1. Facial nerve injury at stylomastoid foramen:Motor paralysis of muscles of tongueHyperacusisLoss of taste sensation from anterior 1/3rd of tongueLoss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongueQuestion 1 of 20Question 2 of 20 2. Common carotid artery bifurcates atUpper border of thyroid cartilageAt the sternal anglea Upper border of cricoid cartilageAt the hyoid boneQuestion 2 of 20Question 3 of 20 3. Desmosomes function by serving asA means for attachment of adjacent outlet for secretory products of a cell.a bridge for continuity of cytoplasm between adjacent cells.A means for communication between cells.Question 3 of 20Question 4 of 20 4. The core of a cilium is composed ofMicrovilli.microfibrils.Microtubulestonofilaments.Question 4 of 20Question 5 of 20 5. All of the following are found in the posterior triangle of the neck except one. Which one is the exception?Subclavian vein.Phrenic nerve.External jugular vein.Hypoglossal nerve.Question 5 of 20Question 6 of 20 6. Within which part of a gastric gland, are chief cells locatedFundusGastric PitIsthumusNeckQuestion 6 of 20Question 7 of 20 7. All of the following statements about Diploic veins are true Except:Present in cranial bonesHave a thin wall lined by a single layer of endotheliumDevelop around 8th wks of gestationThese have no valves (valveless)Question 7 of 20Question 8 of 20 8. Cephalic vein drains into:BrachialRadialPoplitealAxillaryQuestion 8 of 20Question 9 of 20 9. The secretomotor supply of parotid comes from:Chorda tympaniGreater petrosalAuriculotemporalMaxillaryQuestion 9 of 20Question 10 of 20 10. The articular cartilage is characterized by all of the following features except:It lacks the capacity to regenerateIt is avascularIt is devoid of perichondriumIt has a rich nerve supplyQuestion 10 of 20Question 11 of 20 11. Cellular content of DNA is doubled during which phase:S-phaseG2 phaseMitotic phaseG1 phaseQuestion 11 of 20Question 12 of 20 12. All are supplied by anterior division of mandibular nerve except:TemporalisMedial pterygoidMasseterLateral pterygoidQuestion 12 of 20Question 13 of 20 13. Ansa cervicalis supplies all, exceptTwo bellies of Omo-hyoidSterno-hyoidThyro-hyoidSterno-thyroidQuestion 13 of 20Question 14 of 20 14. Which of the following does not give sensory supply to the pinna:Lesser Occipital NerveTympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal NerveGreat Auricular NerveAuricotemporal NerveQuestion 14 of 20Question 15 of 20 15. Secretomotor fibers of lacrimal gland relay in:GeniculatePterygopalatineOticTrigeminalQuestion 15 of 20Question 16 of 20 16. Placenta is formed by:Syncytiotrophoblast and maternal chorionChorion frondosum and decidua basalisChorion parietalis and decidua basalisDecidua parietalis and decidua basalisQuestion 16 of 20Question 17 of 20 17. All of the following form the floor of third ventricle, Except Mammillary bodyOcculomotor nerveInfundibulumOptic chiasmaQuestion 17 of 20Question 18 of 20 18. What is not included in the contents of the sublingual space?Facial arterySublingual glandLingual nerveHypoglossal nerveQuestion 18 of 20Question 19 of 20 19. Direct and consensual light reflex are mediated viaOptic nerveOphthalmic nerveAbducent nerveOcclumotor nerveQuestion 19 of 20Question 20 of 20 20. Blood from the internal carotid artery reaches the posterior cerebral artery by theAnterior communicating arteryPosterior superior cerebellar arteryAnterior cerebral arteryPosterior communicating arteryQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...