Question 1 of 20 1. Which one of the following extraocular muscles is served by a contralateral brain stem subnucleusInferior obliqueMedial rectusInferior rectusSuperior rectusQuestion 1 of 20Question 2 of 20 2. All of the following statements about Paneth cells are true, Except.Foamy appearanceRich in Rough Endoplasmic ReticulumRich in ZincContain LysozymeQuestion 2 of 20Question 3 of 20 3. Cells in blood are suspended in:SerumColloidPlasmaInterstitial fluidQuestion 3 of 20Question 4 of 20 4. Facial n. is located in which relation to parotid glandBelow SMAS and above parotidomasseteric fasciaBelow SMAS and below buccal pad of fatAbove SMAS and below parotidomasseteric fasciaAbove SMAS and above parotidomaseeteric fasciaQuestion 4 of 20Question 5 of 20 5. Cleft lip occurs due to lack of fusion between:Maxillary process and MNPMaxillary process with FNPMandibular processesMaxillary process with LNPQuestion 5 of 20Question 6 of 20 6. Melanocytes are a type of:ComeocytesMerkel cellsKeratocytesDendritic cellsQuestion 6 of 20Question 7 of 20 7. Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by:Facial nerveVagus nerveTrigeminal nerveGlossopharyngeal nerveQuestion 7 of 20Question 8 of 20 8. Neurons of the cortical region are distributed to the neurons of the sub cortical region in which of the following wayProjection fibersCollateral fibersAssociation fibersCommissural fibersQuestion 8 of 20Question 9 of 20 9. Not an extrinsic membrane of larynxCricothyroidHypoepigloticCricotrachealThyrohyoidQuestion 9 of 20Question 10 of 20 10. Tendon is:Loose connective tissueSpecialised connective tissueDense regular connective tissueDense irregular connective tissueQuestion 10 of 20Question 11 of 20 11. Following statements are true regarding the SA node, except thatIt initiates cardiac conductionIt is located at the right border of the ascending aortaIt contains specialized nodal cardiac muscleIt is supplied by the arterial branches of the right coronary arteryQuestion 11 of 20Question 12 of 20 12. The maxillary nerve exits the cranium through which foramen:OvaleRotundumInferior orbital fissureStylomastoidQuestion 12 of 20Question 13 of 20 13. Bells palsy is usually due to:5th Cranial nerve lesionUpper motor lesion of 7th cranial nerve9th cranial nerve lesionLower motor lesion of 7th cranial nerveQuestion 13 of 20Question 14 of 20 14. In skin, which of the following is true:Keratinocytes provide protection against UV rays.Apocrine glands are found in axilla and groinKeratinocytes account for 50% of all the epithelial cells.Epidermis provides support for cutaneous vessels.Question 14 of 20Question 15 of 20 15. Lesion of facial nerve at level of stylomastoid foramen leads to:Paralysis of orbicularis oculi muscleLoss of lacrimal secretionLoss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3 of tongueLoss of innervation to stapediusQuestion 15 of 20Question 16 of 20 16. All the following are neuro ectodermal derivatives, except:Schwann cellsOdontoblastPaneth cellsNeuronsQuestion 16 of 20Question 17 of 20 17. 7th cranial nerve palsy is seen in:Benedict syndromeClaude syndromeMillard gubler syndromeWeber syndromeQuestion 17 of 20Question 18 of 20 18. Which of the following explains why the Barr body found in certain epithelial cells is significant?It suggests mitotic activity.It assists in differentiating between the sexes.It indicates protein synthesis.It indicates a metaplasmic change.Question 18 of 20Question 19 of 20 19. Medial squint occurs due to lesion of:Occulomotor nerveAbducent nerveOptic nerveTrochlear nerveQuestion 19 of 20Question 20 of 20 20. Each of the following arteries is a branch of the subclavian artery EXCEPTtransverse cervical.right carotid.thyrocervical.suprascapular.Question 20 of 20 Loading...