1. which of the following adaptation will be apt to increase the work capacity at high altitudeincreasing workload ,decreasing duration of exerciseincresing workload,increasing duration of exercisedecreasing workload,increasing duration of exercisedecreasing workload,decreasing duration of exercise 2. Down regulation of hormone meansDecreased secretion of hormonedecreased affinity to receptorsdefective regulation in secretionRegulation by low concentration of hormone 3. Common precursor of mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex steroidsPregnenoloneAlpha-hydroxyprogesteroneDehydrotestosteroneDeoxycortisol 4. Amyline is secreted by which cells of islet of LangerhansBeta cellsalpha cellsDelta cellsgamma cells 5. which of the following is least correctvagal stimulation decreases rate of contractionnoradrenaline increases force of contractiondenervated heart has more heart rateduring exercise systole is shortened more than diastole 6. all of the following are involved in the transmission of regulatory signals through the ECF exceptsynaptic signals through neurotransmittersendocrine signals through hormonesdirect contact through gap junctionG protein coupled receptors 7. Which of the following characteristics is similar for spermatogenesis and oogenesis?Age at which meiosis beginsAmount of cytoplasm retainedDNA replication during meiosisLength of prophase I 8. Fast fatigable motor unit recruitedFirstLastDuring relaxationNone 9. all of the following are involved in rapid axonal transport exceptkinesinlysosomesdynesinneurofilaments 10. Which of the following is not a sarcolemmal proteinsarcoglycanDystrophinDystroglycanPerlecan 11. Increase in extracellular Na+ has following effect on RMPIncreaseDecreaseEither increase or decreaseNo change 12. In Sunderland Type 4 Nerve Injury which of the following is not damaged:PerineuriumEpineuriumEndoneuriumMesoneurium 13. Which of the following is the outermost layer of a nerve:EpineuriumPerineuriumEndoneuriumAxolemma 14. Myelination in peripheral nervous system is done byAstrocytesOligodendrocytesEpendymal cellsSchwann cells 15. Which of the following neurotransmitters is most important for the induction of REM sleep?AcetylcholineDopamineEpinephrineNorepinephrine 16. Affinity of haemoglobin at normal pH is:More for carbon dioxide than oxygenMore for carbonmonoxide than oxygenEqual for carbonmonoxide and oxygenAffinity change with changing pH 17. Exogenous therapy with which of the following hormones would be most likely to slow or prevent osteoporosis?CortisolEpinephrineEstrogenThyroxine 18. Reflex milk secretionOxytocinProlactinEstrogenProgesterone 19. A research physiologist decides to use a marker to measure the volume of total body water in a volunteer. Which of the following substances would he most likely use?AntipyrineCresyl violetEvans blueInulin 20. In colon absorption of what takes place:WaterCarbohydratesFatProtein 21. Acrosome reaction is seen inSpermatogenesisOogenesisFertilisationmenstruation 22. in lewis triple response, redness when skin is scratched with a pointed object is seen due toaxon reflex causin vasoconstrictionhistamine release due to local injury to mast cellsfree nerve endingsendothelial damage leading to increase in permeability 23. Most of the testosterone secreted by the testes exists in the plasma in the form ofdihydrotestosterone bound to gonadal steroid-binding hormonefree dihydrotestosteronefree testosteronetestosterone bound to sex-steroid-binding globulin 24. Auditory area located in which lobe:TemporalParietalFrontalOccipital 25. Localisation of the receptor of a hormone X is found to be in the nucleus. what is hormone X?InsulinAdrenalineFSHThyroxine 26. Air in lung after expiration:Tidal volumeVital volumeFunctional residual capacityExpiratory reserve volume 27. True about G protein coupled receptorsG proteins bind to hormones on cell surfaceAll the three subunits: alpha,beta and gamma should bind to each other for G protein to actG proteins act as inhibitory and excitatory because of difference in alpha subunitG protein is bound to GTP in resting state 28. Which of the following is a ligand gated ion channelVIP receptornorepinephrine receptorGABA-A receptorGABA-B receptor 29. all of the following oropharyngeal functions are involuntary excepttongue positionrespirationgaggingspeech 30. muscle spindles act as stretch receptors causing reflex contraction of the muscle in response to stretch. These spindles are innervated byA alpha fibersC fibersgamma fibersmyelinated fibers 31. Following electrical stimulation of the raphe nuclei, which of the following neurotransmitter levels would be expected to increase?AcetylcholineDopamineGamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA)Serotonin 32. Which of the following hormones is most important in initiating gall bladder contraction?Cholecystokinin (CCK)Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)GastrinSecretin 33. Which of the following hormones is most important in the initiation of gallbladder contraction following a fatty meal?CCKGastrinGIPSecretin 34. If the luminal diameter of the right renal artery is decreased by approximately 50%, which of the following is most likely increased?Afferent arteriolar resistanceGlomerular filtration rateGlomerular hydrostatic pressureSecretion of renin 35. somatomedin mediatesdeposition of chondroitin sulphatelipolysisgluconeogenesisdecreased rate of glucose uptake by cells 36. Skeletal muscle use theGLUT1 transporterGLUT2 transporterGLUT 3 transporterGLUT 4transporter 37. Glucose diffusion in RBC byGLUT1 transporterGLUT2 transporterGLUT 3 transporterGLUT 4transporter 38. Posture is maintained byCrossed extensor reflexStretch reflexGolgi tendon reflexnone 39. In the transition from a Graafian follicle to a functional corpus luteum, which of the following cellular events occurs?Granulosa cells begin to express aromataseGranulosa cells begin to express FSH receptorsGranulosa cells begin to express LH receptorsTheca cells begin to express LH receptors 40. Function of basal gangliaTemperature regulationPlanning and programming movementEquilibriumGross motor activity 41. Which of the following pairs of hormones are most important to replace immediately after removal of a tumor near the sella turcica, before lifethreatening symptoms develop due to anterior pituitary insufficiency?Estrogens and mineralocorticoidsGlucocorticoids and thyroid hormonesGrowth hormone and luteinizing hormoneProlactin and glucocorticoids 42. Somatomedin C deficiency causesAchondroplasiaCretinismGrowth retardationJuvenile DM 43. Which of the following is a chemoreceptor?OsmoreceptorsRods and conesHair cellsMerkel's disc 44. Which of the following does not contain cation channels that are activated by mechanical distortion ,producing depolarisation ?Which of the following does not contain get ion channels that are activated by mechanical destruction producing depolarisationolfactory receptorspacinian corpuscleshair cells in cochleahair cells in semicircular canals 45. Which of the following receptors and sense organs are incorrectly pairedrods and cones:eyereceptors sensitive to sodium: taste budshair cells: olfactory epitheliumReceptors sensitive to stretch: carotid sinus 46. heart muscles ,all are true exceptact as synicitiumhas multiple nucleihas gap junctionhas branching 47. Laboratory studies of an automobile accident victim show a significant elevation of creatine kinase (CK). Which of the following tissues is most likely to be the source of the enzyme?BoneBrainHeartSkeletal muscle 48. Most abundant plasma protein:AlbuminGlobulinHeparinTransferrin 49. Newborn has inherent mechanism to resist cold weather due to:Brown fatNon muscle shivering reflexHigh position of thermal centerGreater body surface weight ratio 50. Reward center is located inCerebellumAmygdalaHippocampusHypothalamus 51. Maintenance of the corpus luteum during the first trimester of pregnancy is accomplished principally by the secretion ofantidiuretic hormone (ADH)follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)luteinizing hormone (LH) 52. Endorphin release causesAnalgesiaAllodyniaHyperalgesianone of the above 53. pain to usually non noxious stimuli is calledallodyniaparesthesiahyperesthesiadysesthesia 54. Which of the following would be expected in a woman with isolated ACTH-deficiency?Decreased pubic and axillary hairDecreased serum sodium concentrationHyperpigmentationIncreased serum cortisol 55. hyperaldosteronism is associated with all excepthypernatremiahypokalemiahypertensionmetabolic acidosis 56. Lesions of preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus causesHyperphagiaHyperdypsiaHyperthermiaHyperglycemia 57. Greatest stimulator of ADH secretionHyperosmolarityHyponatremiaHypotensionHypovolemia 58. Sleep centre is located inBasal gangliaMedullaHypothalamusCerebellum 59. Central chemoreceptors are sensitive to:Dissolved C02Plasma H'Increased 02 in bloodBlood viscosity 60. Anti inflammatory action of steroids due toInhibition of phospholipase A2Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenaseincreased activity of lipolipaseInhibition of lipo-oxygenase 61. 2, 3 BPG is increased in chronic anaemia. This causes:Increased uptake of oxygenrelease ofpyridoxal phosphate fromBand-3 ofRBCIncreased affinity of oxygenReduced affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen 62. During an exercise stress test, which of the following is most likely to occur in the skeletal muscles?Decreased blood flowDecreased metabolite concentrationsIncreased arteriolar diameterIncreased oxygen concentration 63. Post tetanic potentiation is due toHyperpolarisation of muscle fibresRapid K+refluxIncreased availaibilty of Ca2+Rapid Na + influx 64. Which decreases secretion of both insulin and glucagonEpinephrineSomatostatinIncreased blood glucosenone 65. Laboratory studies for an alcoholic patient indicate that serum magnesium is depressed. Which of the following findings would be most consistent with this information?Decreased serum calciumDecreased serum phosphateIncreased bone densityIncreased plasma parathyroid hormone concentration 66. Nonfunctioning of complement component C36 would be expected to interfere with which of the following biologic functions?Decreased appetiteFeverIncreased collagen synthesis by fibroblastsOpsonization to facilitate phagocytosis 67. the main cause of increases blood flow to exercising muscles israised blood pressurevasodilation due to local metabolitesincreased sympathetic discharge to peripheral vesselsincreased heart rate 68. In electromyography, transient response at the time of insertion of electrode indicatesSpontaneous muscle activityVoluntary muscle activityInduced muscle activityCell membrane damage 69. hot water bottles relieves pain of abdominal spasm bystimulation of adrenergic fibersstimulation of cholinergic fibersinhibition of cold receptorsinhibition of heat receptors 70. lewis triple response is mediated byhistamineaxon reflexinjury to endotheliumnone of the above 71. Maximum amount of air that can be inhaled:Tidal capacityVital capacityInspiratory reserve volumeDead space 72. Receptor for inverse Stretch reflexMuscle spindleExtrafusal fibersIntrafusal fibersGolgi tendon organ 73. JAK-STAT kinase receptors is associated withincreased c AMPIP3-DAGIon channelsNuclear transcription 74. Beta subunit of insulin receptor binds toGuanylyl cyclaseadenylyl cyclaseIP3-DAGTyrosine kinase 75. Methemoglobinemia true is:Oxidation of cytochrome oxidaseIncreased oxygen binding capacityIron is oxidizedAlteration of globin chains 76. Visceral painshows relatively rapid adaptationis mediated by B fibres in the dorsal roots of the spinal nervesIs poorly localisedCauses relaxation of nearby skeletal muscles 77. Iron is absorbed fromstomachDuodenumJejunumIleum 78. Which of the following is most likely to decrease in skeletal muscles during exercise?Arteriolar resistanceCarbon dioxide concentrationLactic acid concentrationSympathetic nervous activity 79. Wernicke's area is associated with:Association of tasksThoughtLanguage interpretationLong term memory 80. Type 1 muscle fibres areRedAnerobiclargeGlycolytic 81. Papez circuit is formed by which thalamic nucleusAnteriorMedial geniculateLateral geniculatePosterior 82. Skeletal muscle activity controlled by:Dorsal horn cellsVentral horn cellsLateral spinothalamic tractCorticospinal tract 83. Disease of which of the following structures would most likely cause a large difference in blood pressure between a patient's legs and arms?Aortic valveDescending aortaLeft atriumLeft ventricle 84. Ovulation is associated with sudden rise inprolactinTestosteroneLHoxytocin 85. Corpus luteum in pregnancy is maintained by which hormoneProgesteroneHCGLHFSH 86. Which hormone does not increase in burnsCortisolGlucagonLHEpinephrine 87. not done by insulinglycogen synthesisglycolysislipogenesisketogenesis 88. Hyperthyroid state is characterised byIncreased protein synthesisDecreased glycolysisLipolysisIncreased cholesterol 89. Iron in Heme is:FerrousFerricLooseBound to Oxygen 90. Lesion of ventrolateral spinal cord will show:Loss of proprioception on the same sideLoss of proprioception on the contralateral sideLoss of pain and temperature on same sideLoss of pain and temperature on contralateral side 91. During the early stages of infection, which of the following compounds exert the most powerful chemotactic effect on neutrophils, causing them to migrate into an inflamed area?C5a and IL-8IL-1 and tumor necrosis factorLTC4 and LTD4PGI2 and PGD2 92. Band not covered by actin filament isH bandI bandM bandZ band 93. G protein coupled receptorNMDA receptorSteroidM2Insulin receptors 94. Which muscarinic receptor causes dilatation of vesselsM1M2M3M4 95. Where are the body's temperature regulation centers located?MidbrainPonsMedullaHypothalamus 96. appetite is stimulated by all exceptagouti related peptidemelanocyte concentrating hormonemelanocyte stimulating hormoneneuropeptide Y 97. A man competing in a weightlifting competition lifts 325 lb over his head and holds it there for 5 seconds. Suddenly, his arms give way and he drops the weight to the floor. Which of the following receptors is responsible for this sudden muscle relaxation?Free nerve endingsGolgi tendon organMerkel diskMuscle spindle 98. A type 1 diabetic is noncompliant with his required insulin therapy and develops hyperglycemia. The release of which of the following intestinal hormones would be stimulated?Gastic inhibitory peptide (GIP)GastrinMotilinSecretin 99. posterior column transmits all exceptpressuretemperaturemotionvibration 100. Insulin increases the entry of glucose intoall tissuesrenal tubular cellsMucosa of small intestineskeletal muscle Loading...