1. true about isoenzymes issame quaternary structuresame distribution in different organssame enzyme classification with same numberscatalyse the same reaction 2. A membrane phospholpid that doesnot contain glycerol isLecithinSphingomyelinCerebrosidecardiolipin 3. a deficiency of choline in the diet can cause abnormalities in the metabolism oflipidsproteinsmineralscarbohydrates 4. HMP shunt occurs in all organs exceptLiverAdipose tissueRBCBrain 5. true about denaturation of proteins is all exceptunfolding occursdisruption of secondary structure occurssequence of amino acids remains the samebiological activity is retained 6. The major role of 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate in RBCs isAcid base balanceReversal of glycolysisRelease of oxygenBinding of oxygen 7. action of a-sununit of G protein isbreakdown of GTP to GDPconversion of GDP to GTPintemalization of receptorsbinding of agonists 8. Dietary triglycerides are digested and broken down to free fatty acids and 2-monoacylglycerol by pancreatic lipase which are absorbed with the help ofelastasepepsinogentrypsinogenbile salts 9. Inhibitor of F0F1 ATPase in Electron transport chain-AntimycinOligomycin2,4 dinitrophenolBarbiturate 10. Mitochondrial membrane protein contain transporter of-NADHAcetyl COANADPHATP 11. carboxylation of clotting factors by vit K is required t be biologically active.which of the following amino acid is carboxylatedhistidinehistamineglutamateaspartate 12. Which of the following transports lactate from muscle to liverAlanineGlutamateGutamineAspartate 13. Ammonia in brain is trapped byAlanineGlutamineOrnithineAspartate 14. Amino acid which can be used in both gluconeogenesis and ketogenesisThreonineValineTyrosineArginine 15. Transamination of alanine results in formation ofOxaloacetatePyruvateAspartateArginine 16. Methionine is synthesised fromCysteineGlycineHistidineArginine 17. to which of the following family of chemical mediators of inflammation the lipoxins belongkinin systemcytokineschemokinesarachidonic acid metabolites 18. which receptors are present in liver for uptake of LDLApo EApo A and Apo EApo E and Apo B 100Apo B 100 19. Glycogen synthase is activated byInsulinGlucagonEpinophrineAMP 20. embryonic hemoglobin is mainly composed ofalpha and gamma chainsalpha and beta chainszeta and epsilon chainsalpha and delta chains 21. Reducing sugar in urine can be detected byBenedicts testFehling solutionGlucose-oxidase testAll of the above 22. Pyruvate kinase is inhibited byInsulinFructose-1,6 biphosphateATPAll of the above 23. True about charge in amino acidCarboxyl group can form positive chargeAmino group can form negative chargeNeutral at isoelectric pHAll of the above 24. A patient with hereditary fructose intolerance is deficient in which of the following enzymesAldolaseAll of the aboveFructokinaseTriokinae 25. Krebs cycle does not occur inMuscleRBCHeartAll of the above 26. True about carbamoyl phosphate synthaseMitochondrial enzymeCytosolic enzymeCatalyses condensation reactionAll are true 27. Which of the following is involved in both fatty acid catabolism and synthesisCarnitineCo-enzyme Amalonyl Co enzyme AAlcohol dehydrogenase 28. Which of these amino acids does not enter the krebs cycle by forming Acetyl-CoA via pyruvateTyrosineHydroxyprolineGlycineAlanine 29. Not gluconeogenic-Acetyl CoALactateGlycerolAlanine 30. cholesterol is primarily used by mammalian cell asan energy storage materiala precursor of ketone bodiesa component of cell membranesa precursors of polyunsaturated fatty acids 31. Theoretically, in most human cells, one glucose molecule produces enough usable chemical energy to synthesize30-32 ATP molecules32-34 ATP molecules36-38 ATP molecules44-48 ATP molecules 32. Immediate metabolic products during conversion of Fructus1-6 biphosphate to 2 molecules of pyruvateGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and 1,3-bisphosphoglycerateDihydroxyacetoone phosphate and 1,3 biphosphoglycerateGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxy-acetone phosphate3-phosphoglycerate and 1,3 biphosphoglycerate 33. The metabolite that is regarded as the dead end in glycolysisPyruvatelactate2,3- bisphosphoglycerate3-phosphoglycerate 34. The number of essential amino acid are681216 35. Number of ATP produced by RBC when glycolysis occurs through Rapoport Leubering pathway1234 36. In malate shuttle,NADH produces how many ATPs11.522.5 37. in CRP, the C stands forCanavallin ACellularChondroitin sulphateC polysaccharide of streptococcus 38. the defect in xeroderma pigmentosa isformation of thymidine dimmerspoly ADP ribose polymerase is defectiveexonuclease is defectiveformation of adenine dimers 39. most non polar amino acid isleucineglycineargininelysine 40. the major fate of glucose -6 phosphate in tissue in a well fed state ishydrolysis to glucoseconversion to glycogenisomerisation to fructose 6 phosphateconversion to ribulose 5 phosphate 41. The aminoacid carboxylated by vitamin K isHistidineAspartateProlineGlutamate 42. chymotrypsinogen is atransaminasecarboxypeptidaseelastasezymogen 43. Watson crick model is for which DNAB DNAA DNAC DNAZ DNA 44. Which form of DNA is predominantly seenACBZ 45. Even in cases with severe destruction of DNA, it can be tested byELISAPCRSTRWestern blot 46. Highest content of cholesterolChylomicronsLDLHDLVLDL 47. Keratinising metaplasia of salivary glands results due to deficiency ofVitamin AThiamineRiboflavinVitamin E 48. Nyctalopia is due to deficiency ofVitamin AVitamin BVitamin CVitamin E 49. Deficiency of which causes carcinoid syndromeNiacinThiamineRiboflavinVitamin C 50. Which Vitamin is required for carboxylation of clotting factorsVit AVit DVit EVit K 51. Which of these is a water soluble vitamin?Vit AVit B12Vit DVit E 52. Which vitamin deficiency leads to collagen breakdownVit CVit AVit EVit B1 53. Maximum damage to DNA is caused byalpha-raysbeta raysgamma raysUV rays 54. An example of a preventive antioxidant isCatalaseTocopherolSupeoxide dismutaseUrate 55. which base is not found in DNAadenineguaninecytosineuracil 56. Primase functions asJoining dna fragmentsSynthesising small rna fragments during transcriptionSynthesising small rna fragments during translationUnwinding of dna 57. Shine-Dalgamo sequence in bacterial mRNA is nearAUG codonUAA codonUAG codonUGA codon 58. Apo-E deficiency is seen inType-I hypolipoproteinemiaType-II hypolipoproteinemiaType-III hypolipoproteinemiaType-IV hypolipoproteinemia 59. Negative nitrogen balance is the characteristic feature of which phase of convalescence after surgeryCatabolic phaseAnabolic phaseFat gain phaseTurning point phase 60. All of the following cell types contain the enzyme telomerase which protects the length of telomeres at the end of chromosomes exceptGerminalSomaticHemopoeticTumor 61. VLDL transportsCholestrolPhospholipidCholesterol esterTriglyceride 62. Aneuploidy is due toNon junctional at meiosisMosaicismDeletionTranslocation 63. Which of the following process in a vector is used to increase the yield of protein produced in recombinant protein synthesisPromoter inductionOrigin of ReplicationTranslation InitiationTranslation and Transcription inhibition 64. Chief regulator of systemic iron homeostasisFerritinHepcidinHaptoglobinTransferrin 65. Poly 'A' tail attached at 3' end of mRNA helps inUnwinding of mRNAStabilisation of mRNAPolymerisation of mRNATranscription of mRNA 66. Cobalt forms a component of which vitaminBiotinVit B 12Vit ATocopherol 67. Real time PCR is used forMultiplication of RNAMultiplication of ProteinsMultiplication of specific segments of DNATo know how much amplification of DNA has occured 68. Function of endonucleasesCut DNA at specific DNA sequencesTo point out the coding regionsEnhancersTo find out antibiotic resistance 69. In molecular cloning blue white screening is usedTo screen for recombinant vectorsTo detect gene mutationsTo identify desired chromosomal DNA insert in plasmid vectorsTo detect DNA in situ 70. The hormone using an enzyme receptor for its actionInsulinSteroidOestrogenThyroxine 71. Bromodeoxyuridine is related to DNA inUracilAdenosineCytosineThymidine 72. Amino acid used in the synthesis of purinesGlycineornithineAlanineThreonine 73. which of the following enzymes is common to the synthesis of cholesterol and ketone bodiesHMG Co A reductaseHMG Co A LyaseHMG Co A synthaseThiokinase 74. Apart from occurring in nucleic acids, pyrimidines are also found inTheophyllineTheobromineFlavin mononucleotideThiamine 75. Barbiturate precipitates symptoms of porphyria becausethey induce ALA synthasethey inhibit ALA synthasethey induce heme oxygenasethey inhibit heme oxygenase 76. Both vit K and Vit C are involved inThe synthesis of clotting factorsPost translational modificationAntioxidant mechanismsThe microsomal hydroxylation reactions 77. A segment of a eukaryotic gene that is not represented in the mature messenger RNA is known asIntronExonPlasmidTATA box 78. Okazaki fragments are formed during the synthesis ofds DNAss DNAm RNAt RNA 79. Splicing activity is a function ofmRNAsn RNAr RNAt RNA 80. A young man finds that every time he eats dairy products he feels very uncomfortable.his stomach becomes distended.He develops gas and diarrhea frequently.These symptoms do not appear when he eats food other than dairy products.Which of the following is the most likely enzyme in which this young man is deficienta-amylaseb-galactosidasea-glucsidaseSucrase 81. NAD + reduced by all of following enzymes exceptAlpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenaseIso-citrate dehydrogenaseMalate dehydrogenaseSuccinyl dehydrogenase 82. DNA estimation can be done byspirometerSpectrophotometerpH metersphyfmometer 83. Which of the following is not a glycerosphingolipidLecithinCardiolipinPlasmalogensSphingomyelin 84. Which of the following phospholipid has antigenic activityPlasmalogenCardiolipinphosphatidylcholineSphingomyelin 85. DNA restriction is done by the following methodPaper chromatographyElectrophoresis agargel methodSpectrometerSpectrometry 86. Single base pair substitution is related toRFLPPCRFISHSouthern blot 87. Xeroderma pigmentation is caused due to a group of closely related abnormalities inMismatch pairBase excision repairNucleotide excision repairSOS repair 88. Which of the following reaction is due to lipid peroxidationSaponificationRancidityHydrogenationSoap formation 89. Which type of RNA has the highest percentage of modified basem RNAt RNAr RNAsn RNA 90. RNA with highest proportion of modified bases in cellt-RNAm-RNAr-RNAsn RNA 91. Drug toxifixation and steroid synthesis is conducted by which cell organelleGolgi bodyMitochondriaRough endoplasmic reticulumSmooth endoplasmic reticulum 92. Skinfold thickness test is used forFatCarbohydrateProteinsSkin allergy test 93. TATA box is seen inPromoter regionPalindromic regionEnhancer regionSilencer region 94. which of the following elements is known to influence the body's ability to handle oxidative stressCalciumIronPotassiumSelenium 95. DNA replication takes place in which phase of cell cycleMG1G2S 96. Cardiolipin is found inOuter membrane of mitochondriaInner membrane of mitochondriaLysosomesRough endoplasmic reticulum 97. cDNA from RNA is synthesised byHelicaseDNA dependent DNA polymeraseTopoisomeraseReverse transcriptase 98. The most common condition of inherited blindness due to mitochondrial chromosomal anomaly isRetinopathy of prematurityLebers hereditary optic neuropathyRetinitis pigmentosaRetinal detachment 99. Thiamine level is monitered byTransketolase level in bloodThiamine level in bloodG6PD activityReticulocytosis 100. Not a component of PCRPrimerTaq polymeraseDNA polymeraseRestriction enzyme Loading...