1. Trap door anomaly is seen in fracture of:
2. Most commonly impacted tooth:
3. Which tooth can be most readily extracted by rotation:
4. Most often the needles are broken while giving:
5. Gate control theory was given by
6. The optimum site for IV sedation for an outpatient is the:
7. Patient shown in the image is suffering from
8. Which of the following muscle/nerve pairings is incorrect
9. Least sensitive to pain
10. Which among the following is not used as topical local anesthetic:
11. Red line in the Winter WAR lines signifies:
12. Patient with prosthetic cardiac valve needs oral surgical procedure under GA. Antibiotic prophylaxis of choice is
13. A lady in 2nd trimester of pregnancy develops syncope while extraction of the 2nd maxillary molar. She should be placed in:
14. Following a local anesthetic injection, anesthetic effects will disappear and reappear in a definite order. Arrange the following sensations in increasing order of resistance to conduction. 1. Touch, 2. Warm, 3. deep pressure, 4. Pain, 5. Cold, 6. Motor
15. Which two major forces are used for routine tooth extractions? 1.Rotation 2.Pulling 3.Pushing 4.Luxation
16. Most common cause of paralysis of Infraorbital Nerve is:
17. A fractured mandible should be immobilized for an approximately:
18. Posterior mandible resorbs at a rate approximately times faster than the anterior mandible
19. The dose of epinephrine given in anaphylaxis:
20. Difficulty score for a Mesioangular Class II Position C mandibular third molar is:
21. Hooding of eyes is seen in which fracture:
22. Medial dislocation of condyle in sub condylar fracture is due to action of:
23. Obstructive apnea is most commonly seen to develop in
24. While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints. Dentist should put her in which position:
25. Which of the following is inappropriate treatments for an impending vasovagal syncopal episode
26. Airway maintenance in major oral surgical procedures
27. Infraorbital nerve loss of sensation seen in which fracture:
28. Fastest onset of action via inhalational route:
29. Which of the following foramen/location pairings are correct
30. Fracture of mandible not involving dental arch is treated by:
31. The sudden appearance Dumbell shaped swelling during third molar nerve block is mainly due to
32. After inj. of LA pt experiences pallor, perspiration and disorientation. What is the first step of treatment
33. When a maxillary third molar is displaced into the infratemporal fossa, it is usually displaced through the periosteum and located ________ to the lateral pterygoid plate and________ to the lateral pterygoid muscle with displacement.
34. All of the following are true regarding the use of Articaine in a child except:
35. Local anesthetics block nerve conduction by
36. Lingual split bone techniis used for extraction of:
37. Guerin sign is seen in:
38. Pederson classification is for assessing:
39. In Polytrauma patient, Type of Shock is:
40. A Hepatitis B immunized doctor gets a transcutaneous exposure (needle stick injury) from a known Hepatitis B carrier patient. What should be done:
41. Coleman sign is:
42. While attempting to remove a grossly decayed mandibular molar, the crown fractures. What is the recommended next step in order to facilitate the removal of this tooth?
43. Which of the following inducing agent has analgesic property?
44. L.a is deposited in inferior alveolar nerve block near
45. A 52-year-old woman requests removal of a painful mandibular second molar. She tells you that she has not rested for two days and nights because of the pain. Her medical history is unremarkable, except that she takes20 mg of Prednisone daily for erythema multiforme. How do you treat this patient?
46. The first objective of treatment of acute pericoronitis is
47. Maximum dose of lignocaine that can be given without adrenaline:
48. The mechanical advantage obtained from the wheel and axle principle of elevator is
49. In Triage, which colour code is used to depict moderate injury that is not life threatening?
50. The maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the:
51. After Le-Fort 1 osteotomy the blood supply of maxilla is maintained by
52. True regarding throat pack in oral surgery:
53. In bilateral parasymphyseal fractures of mandible the symphysis falls back due to the action of
54. Which of these is a computer controlled local anesthesia delivery system
55. sharp stabbing pain from anterior teeth conducted to brain by
56. True open bite is caused by
57. Which size suture has the least strength and the smallest diameter?
58. Which nerve may, in some cases, also serve as an afferent nerve for the mandibular first molar, which needs to be considered when there is failure of the inferior alveolar local anesthetic block
59. Horizontal favourable fracture of mandible is seen when the fracture line is oriented:
60. IMF with Zygomatic suspension is adequate for management of:
61. Heimlich maneuver in a child is done for removing:
62. Keen approach is an example of:
63. The initial effect of toxicity upon the brain for local anesthetics is usually stimulation and then depression. However, it is also possible that the excitatory phase of the reaction may be extremely brief or may not occur at all. This is true especially with:
64. Inferior alveolar nerve block alone can be used in
65. Excessive pressure at angle of mandible during establishment of patent airway damages the
66. Extraction of disto-angular impaction of mandibular 3rd molar can cause:
67. Difference in osteotome and chisel:
68. Post-operative muscle pain is caused by:
69. Most resistant structure to diffusion of local anesthetic through nerve membrane is:
70. All of the following would be difficult cases of extraction except the one with
71. Most upper third molar teeth luxate in a:
72. Most difficult mandibular impaction is:
73. A 65 years old woman has extensive caries in maxillary molar which served as abutment. While extracting, care should be taken to avoid the following:
74. During Ostectomy procedure, the direction of the bevel of chisel should be kept:
75. Ester L.A is contraindicated in:
76. 2010 ACLS guideline does not include
77. A polytrauma patient reported to the emergency on a stretcher, with a semirigid cervical collar support. On examination, patient was non responsive to painful stimuli, verbal commands. What is your first plan of action
78. Which of the following is considered to be the normal prothrombin time (PT)?
79. Le Fort I fracture is characterized by
80. LA is injected in a 5 year old child in the region of maxillary right primary lateral incisor, child is crying and develops swelling in lower eye lid and complains of burning sensation in the eye, what is the most probable reason?
81. selection of patients in emergency based on the need for treatment and the available resources to provide treatment is known as
82. Treatment of localized pain 3-4 days post extraction due to loss of clot is done by
83. Vitamin K is antagonist for
84. What is the basis of naming of plate screw system (1.2, 1.7, 2.5, 2.7):
85. Most common site of mandibular fracture
86. Bilateral circumferential echymosis is seen in
87. Fracture which breaks continuity of one cortex without fracture of the other cortex is called:
88. Principle of Apexo elevator:
89. The most acceptable theory of mechanism of action of LA:
90. The Longest acting, most potent and most toxic LA is
91. Least toxic of the more commonly used local anesthetic is:
92. A Force is being used for extraction of a maxillary premolar. An initial pressure of 100 pounds is applied. What will be the initial movement of the tooth:
93. Cryosurgery utilizes:
94. An incisional biopsy is indicated for which of the following lesions?
95. Patient with history of Steroid use requires extraction under GA. patient requires premedications with
96. Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) that is less than
97. Oxidized cellulose (oxycel) cannot be used along with:
98. Temperature becomes subnormal in:
99. Hematocrit is increased in:
100. Most common means of fixation of mandibular and maxillary fractures is: