1. Stationary anchorage in orthodontics means:
2. A patient, when in full intercuspation, shows a right side posterior crossbite and a lower midline that is deviated to the right. At initial contact there are bilateral posterior crossbites and coincident midlines. The most likely cause of this finding is
3. Space maintainer indicated in case of bilateral loss of deciduous maxillary molars at 8 years of age:
4. A Moment: Force ratio of 7 will cause:
5. If the centre of rotation is at the apex of the root, then the orthodontic movement which results is:
6. If the centre of rotation is present at the centre of bracket slot orthodontic movement that occurs is
7. Cephalometrics is useful for assessing all of the following relationships except:
8. The most common cause of malocclusion with a Class I molar relationship is
9. Most favorable for reinforcement of anchorage is:
10. Bien theory is related to:
11. In a case with Class II malocclusion in a growing child, why is deep bite corrected before overjet:
12. When force is applied through center of resistance of tooth which of the following occurs:
13. If moment of couple moment of force MC/MF = 0, then what type of movement occurs:
14. The most common cause of an anterior cross bite in mixed dentition is:
15. Overbite is defined as:
16. Which is mixed dentition analysis:
17. What is the right sequence of orthodontic treatment planning from diagnosis to result:
18. Which of these is most promising soft tissue investigation:
19. A 9 year old child with developing facial asymmetry and maxillary constriction and unilateral posterior cross bite comes to you for treatment. What will you do?
20. Interceptive orthodontic treatment using appliances to treat the effects of oral habits should
21. Reproximation procedure in orthodontics denotes:
22. What is the most reliable indicator with respect to the timing of treatment for growth modification?
23. Couple in orthodontics means:
24. A steep mandibular plane angle correlates with a:
25. The most significant factor in determining the prognosis of anterior crossbite correction is the
26. Prior to the correction of a one tooth anterior crossbite, the principle factor to consider is the
27. Compared to homogenous populations, malocclusion in a heterogenous population is:
28. The predominant type of movement produced by a finger spring on a removable appliance is
29. Pericision is used for retention of corrected:
30. Xi point is seen in which of the following analysis:
31. A 5 year and 4 months old child has a retrusive chin with reduced lower facial height, on intraoral examination, full cusp distal step molar relation is seen. The cephalometric parameters reveal a normal SNA but a reduced SNB. What should be the line of treatment
32. Which of the following are not classic symptoms of a sucking habit?
33. For bite opening in orthodontics, which of the following is done:
34. Continuous heavy orthodontic forces cause:
35. At age 9, a pt needs his tooth #30 extracted due to caries. What is the proper space maintenance treatment?
36. While treating increased anterior overbite while keeping mandibular plane angle same, increase in molar height is compensated by:
37. A 3 year old child suffered traumatic lateral luxation injury to his upper central incisor. The tooth is not mobile and does not interfere in occlusion. What should be done
38. Major site of growth of the mandible:
39. All of the following are types of tooth movement EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
40. According to Simon classification, movement of teeth towards Frankfort plane is called:
41. Adolescent age group is defined as:
42. How much overjet can be successfully managed using dentofacial orthopedics:
43. Increased ANB angle signifies:
44. Class II malocclusion usually presents a _________________ facial profile:
45. Best time to modify growth is:
46. All of the following assumptions are considered true when doing space analysis for calculating space discrepancy except:
47. During active tooth movement, hyalinization is seen during:
48. The Frankfort-horizontal is a reference plane constructed by joining which of the following landmarks?
49. The point which can be altered by orthodontic tooth movement:
50. Facial plane is measured from nasion to:
51. Two millimeters of maxillary incisor spacing in a 3 year old is indicative of a
52. Best method to retain a corrected maxillary canine rotation:
53. Which of the following model analysis would be useful in planning extractions tor a 14 year old boy with severe Class II division 1 malocclusion
54. The most common clinical characteristic of a functional crossbite is
55. A tooth undergoing orthodontic tooth movement, the tension side will show:
56. Serial extraction procedures involve:
57. Diagnostic aid used for measuring transverse discrepancy and vertical facial dimensions
58. For planning treatment in a patient with facial asymmetry requiring orthognathic surgery, which of the following is required:
59. According to which theory, thumb sucking habit is due to deep emotional influences:
60. Spheno-occipital synchondroses fuses by what age:
61. A 6 year old patient has a larger than average diastema between the maxillary central incisors. The radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. In order to manage the diastema, you should extract the mesiodens
62. In a tooth with alveolar bone resorption what will be the change in center of resistance?
63. A 7 year old child has a badly carious deciduous mandibular first molar that needs removal. What space maintainer will you advise?
64. Which analysis uses the measurement of lower incisors to calculate dimensions of posterior teeth:
65. Which orthodontic analysis uses the dimensions of the upper and lower anterior teeth to predict the dimensions of the posterior teeth:
66. A clinical diagnostic indication of palatal impaction of maxillary permanent canines does NOT include
67. Facial index of 85.6% means:
68. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement?
69. Maxillary 1st molar cusp used in Angle classification
70. In an ideal Class I occlusion, the cusp of which mandibular tooth is in contact with the central fossa of the maxillary second molar?
71. Most common relationship of the primary molars in deciduous dentition:
72. an Angle Class I occlusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with
73. Dontrix gauze is used to:
74. Exclusive of third molars, the permanent dentition is usually completely erupted by the age of
75. When permanent maxillary lateral incisors are congenitally missing, the permanent canine may often erupt:
76. In Steiner's analysis, SNA is 82 degrees. This indicates:
77. Which is the most stable and the most often used plane for the superimposition of lateral cephalogram for studying the growth of a child?
78. Tanaka Johnson analysis uses width of which teeth to estimate the width of maxillary canine and premolars:
79. Which of the following soft tissues of the oro facial region mature first:
80. In an infant, the gum pad is separated from palate by:
81. Skeletal classification of malocclusion was first given by:
82. The most appropriate time for surgical treatment of a patient with mandibular prognathism is
83. One of the greatest advantages of using extra-oral anchorage is that:
84. Which of the following is false concerning a mixed dentition analysis?
85. To produce pure translatory motion in a tooth, what type of force is required
86. Appropriate forces for orthodontic tooth movement are
87. Safety valve mechanism for pubertal growth spurt is:
88. During intrusion, the center of rotation lies:
89. The most appropriate treatment following the extraction of a first primary molar in a 4 year old child is
90. With flush-terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt:
91. Apertognathia means:
92. Which of the following Class II Division 1 malocclusion(s) is/are most likely to be corrected with a cervical headgear?
93. Katz classification is based on
94. Which of the following conditions is most appropriately treated upon diagnosis?
95. To prevent mesial drift of a permanent first molar, the ideal time to place a distal extension space maintainer is
96. A single tooth anterior crossbite found in a 9 year old should
97. Superimposition in cephalometric studies is done from Registration point. This demonstrates best:
98. Maximum Lip thickness is seen at what age in males:
99. Primate space in mandibular arch is present between:
100. Pitch of the hyrax screw is?