1. When distinguishing a mandibular canine from a maxillary canine, all of the following are true, except:On a mandibular canine, the mesial border is much straighter (viewed facially)The cusp tip is displaced lingually on the mandibular canine, whereas on the maxillary canine the cusp is on or labial to the root axis line (viewed proximally and incisally)The mandibular canine has a comparatively wider mesiodistal dimension (viewed facially)The mandibular canine has a cingulum that is less pronounced and often slightly to the distal, whereas the maxillary canine has a cingulum that is more pronounced and centered mesiodistally (viewed lingually)Question 1 of 20 2. Which of the following teeth have proximal contact areas at approximately the same levels cervicoincisally or cervico-occlusally on the mesial and the distalmaxillary central incisormandibular central incisormaxillary caninemandibular caninesQuestion 2 of 20 3. Delicate epithelial layer present on newly erupted tooth islamina propriaPrimary enamel cuticleSecondary enamel cuticleSalivary pellicleQuestion 3 of 20 4. Which ligament helps retain the condyle within the glenoid fossa?Sphenomandibular ligamentTemporomandibular ligamentStylomandibular ligamentPterygomandibular ligamentQuestion 4 of 20 5. The ligament attached to lingula isStylomandibularSphenomandibularTemporomandibularNone of the aboveQuestion 5 of 20 6. Dental islands are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teethmaxillary lateral incisor and mandibular 2nd premolarmaxillary 2nd premolar and maxillary 1st molarmaxillary 2nd premolar and mandibular caninemaxillary 1st molar and mandibular 2nd premolarQuestion 6 of 20 7. Dental age of a patient isdependant on the skeletal agedependant on chronological stagedependent on bothnone of the aboveQuestion 7 of 20 8. All of the following types of oral mucosa are nonkeratinized, except:Buccal mucosaInferior surface of the tongueThe soft palateThe hard palateQuestion 8 of 20 9. Korff's fibers are found inPrimary dentinSecondary dentinSclerotic dentinTransparent dentinQuestion 9 of 20 10. The 1st permamnent tooth to erupt ismaxillary CImandibular CImandibular 1st molarmaxillary 1st molarQuestion 10 of 20 11. The crown of a mandibular lateral incisor compared to the crown of a mandibular central incisor in the same mouth is best described aswider mesiodistallynarrower mesiodistallymore symmetricalhaving a smoother lingual surfaceQuestion 11 of 20 12. Which component of the free gingiva listed below fills the embrasure space between the area of tooth contact?Free gingival grooveGingival sulcusGingival marginlnterdental gingivaQuestion 12 of 20 13. The enamel has no capacity of self repair becauseIt has only a small percent of organic contentIts formative cells are lost once it is completely formedIt is essentially a keratin tissue and has no blood vesselsIt has no direct connection with the active cells of the dental pulpQuestion 13 of 20 14. Th cap stage contains the following transitory structuresEnamel knot,enamel cord and enamel nicheEnamel matrixStratum intermediumCervical loopQuestion 14 of 20 15. Which papillae are completely keratinisedFungiformFiliformCircumvallateFoliateQuestion 15 of 20 16. Nerve fibers in dental pulp areSympathetic and afferent post ganglionicParasympathetic postganglionicMotor fibersBoth autonomic parasympathetic and motor fibersQuestion 16 of 20 17. Gene involved in odontoblastic differentiationMap 1p53p21phexQuestion 17 of 20 18. All of the following teeth are nonsuccedaneous, except:The permanent maxillary and mandibular premolarsThe permanent maxillary and mandibular first molarsThe permanent maxillary and mandibular second molarsThe permanent maxillary and mandibular third molarsQuestion 18 of 20 19. Which antibiotic has the ability to concentrate in gingival fluidTetracyclineMetronidazolePenicillinAmoxycillinQuestion 19 of 20 20. Sensation of pain in pulp is mediated byLarge myelinated fibersLarge unmyelinated fibersSmall unmyelinated fibersNone of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...