1. Dental plaque adheres to tooth surface byEpithelial cellsBacteriaDextroseSucroseQuestion 1 of 20 2. A patient with previous history of trauma to tooth reveals metallic sound on percussion of the central incisor. The possible injury that occurred was:ExtrusionConcussionSubluxationLateral luxationQuestion 2 of 20 3. Which of following is the most accepted theory of transmission of dentinal hypersensitivity:Gates control theoryModulation theoryDirect neural stimulation theoryHydrodynamic theoryQuestion 3 of 20 4. Root canal therapy was completed on a nonvital tooth that suffered trauma 5 years prior. At the time of obturation, the tooth exhibited a periapical radiolucency on radiographic examination. Radiographically, healing should be visualized in:1 week1 month6 weeks6 monthsQuestion 4 of 20 5. Pre carve burnishing useful for all except:Removes excess mercuryIncreases setting timeBetter condensation of amalgam at margins of restorationInitiates carvingQuestion 5 of 20 6. Polymerization shrinkage of composite causes compression stress of5 MPa15 MPa1 MPa30 MPaQuestion 6 of 20 7. Common component of most root canal sealers is:Precipitated silverCalcium hydroxideZOEResinQuestion 7 of 20 8. Principal nerve fibres in Pulp are:Myelinated C fibers and unmyelinated A fibersB and C fibersUnmyelinated C fibers and myelinated A fibersA J3 and M fibers onlyQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following are NOT found in the pulp?Proprioceptor nerve fibersUnmyelinated nerve fibersMyelinated nerve fibersReticulin fibersQuestion 9 of 20 10. A no. 33 . bur isAn inverted cone burA straight fissure burA tapered fissure burA round burQuestion 10 of 20 11. Bonding of resins to dentin is best described as involving _____.Van der Waals forcesMechanical interlockingCovalent bondingIonic bondingQuestion 11 of 20 12. Furcal perforation is often the result ofuse of Hedstrom files.oversized radicular access preparations.natural occurrence.use of K-type filesQuestion 12 of 20 13. While restoring a cavity, C factor is associated with:Condensing force for amalgamPolymerization shrinkageCurvature of rootCarving pattern for amalgamQuestion 13 of 20 14. When condensing gold foil, stepping of the condenserShould involve overlapping the nib by one-half its diameterProduces a denser restoration and reduces the time of condensationShould involve overlapping the nib by one-fourth its radiusProduces a denser restoration but increases the time of condensationQuestion 14 of 20 15. Chronic caries is characterized by which of the following.lesion is deep and narrowcommon in adultsentrance to the lesion is smallpain is commonQuestion 15 of 20 16. In the first sitting of root canal treatment, in which of the cases should occlusal reduction be done to prevent post appointment pain:Necrotic pulp; normal periapexVital pulp, normal periapexNecrotic pulp; tooth tender to percussionIrreversible pulpitis; normal periapexQuestion 16 of 20 17. Common between amalgam an ceramic is:Equal compressive and tensile strengthHigh compressive strength and high tensile strengthHigh compressive strength and low tensile strengthIncreased working and setting timesQuestion 17 of 20 18. A hockey player gets hit with a stick, and his central incisors are intruded. Which of the following is the least useful examination procedure?Vitality testSoft tissue examRadiographHard tissue examQuestion 18 of 20 19. Why is GP selected as master cone:It suits Cana anatomy just like standardized instrument sizeIt is rigid and has strength.It is flexibleUseful in narrow, tortuous and curved canalQuestion 19 of 20 20. The most frequently quoted disadvantage of using the rubber dam isStaff allergies to materialTime consumptionCostNone of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...