1. Until lip competence is reached, a 3 mm of incisor retraction will reduce lip protrusion by1 mm2 mm4 mm3 mmQuestion 1 of 20 2. Increased ANB angle signifies:Retrognathic mandible.Prognathic mandibleBimaxillary protrusionRetrognathic maxillaQuestion 2 of 20 3. Which of these is not an absolute indication to mount orthodontic study models on articulator:To record the excursive movements of mandibleClass II case with severe overjet of 14 mmSurgical planningTo see and correct Cr-Co discrepancyQuestion 3 of 20 4. Appropriate forces for orthodontic tooth movement areintermittent and heavy.continuous and heavy.continuous and light.intermittent and light.Question 4 of 20 5. Minimum anchorage is defined as a case where:No movement of anchorage unitAnchorage unit occupies 1/3rd of extraction spaceAnchorage unit occupies 2/3rd extraction spaceFixed anchorageQuestion 5 of 20 6. Ratio of Upper Anterior Facial Height to Lower Anterior Facial Height Is60;400;6045;5555;45Question 6 of 20 7. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement?Mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary second molar.Distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar.Distolingual cusp of the maxillary second molar.Mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar.Question 7 of 20 8. According to American Board of Orthodontics recommendation for colour coding of sequential tracing, end treatment ceph tracing is done in:GreenRedBlackBlueQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following muscle fibers are entrapped in case of thick maxillary labial frenum?BuccinatorNasoalveolar musclesOrbicularis orisPlatysmaQuestion 9 of 20 10. The permanent maxillary canine most commonly eruptsbefore the maxillary second permanent molar.before the mandibular permanent canine.before the maxillary first premolar.after the maxillary second permanent molar.Question 10 of 20 11. Snort test is used to evaluate:Oral seal in cleft lip patientVelopharyngeal incompetence in cleft palate patientsNasal air flow in cleft palateSpeech in cleft uvulaQuestion 11 of 20 12. A tongue thrust is most often found in a child withan Angle Class II, division 2 malocclusion.a deep overbite.an anterior open-bite.a bimaxillary protrusion.Question 12 of 20 13. In orthodontics, how much activation is produced from a single turn of a palatal expansion screw?0.5mm.0.25mm.1.0mm.0.75mm.Question 13 of 20 14. Protraction face mask is used for correction of:Hypoplastic maxillaHyperplastic maxillaHypoplastic mandibleHyperplastic mandibleQuestion 14 of 20 15. In patients with surgically corrected cleft lip and palate anomaly, what is the most common anomaly seen:Unilateral/bilateral posterior cross biteAnterior deep biteAnterior open biteRotated maxillary central incisorQuestion 15 of 20 16. Skeletal classification of malocclusion was first given by:MoyersKratzSalzmanAngleQuestion 16 of 20 17. Which of the following is the normal relationship of the primary molars in the deciduous dentition?Distal stepNone of the aboveMesial stepFlush-terminal-planeQuestion 17 of 20 18. A Moment: Force ratio of 7 will cause:TranslationControlled tippingUncontrolled tippingTorqueingQuestion 18 of 20 19. Thumb sucking is normal upto what age:1 yr4 yrs5 yrs2 yrsQuestion 19 of 20 20. Which of the following soft tissue response may occur as a response to orthodontic bands:Ulcerative gingivitisGingival fibrosisFulminating periodontitisMarginal gingivitisQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...