1. The lowest incidence of cleft palate is seen in which of the following

Question 1 of 20

2. Alveolar bone grafting in a cleft palate patient is done:

Question 2 of 20

3. A CONTRAINDICATION for a pulpectomy on a primary molar is

Question 3 of 20

4. Differences between child and adult patient are

Question 4 of 20

5. Which of the following are advantages a light cured materials over chemical cure sealants?

Question 5 of 20

6. A four-year old child presents with acute pain associated with a primary mandibular second molar that has a large carious lesion with pulpal involvement. Radiographically, there is periapical pathology on the distal root. The child is very cooperative and is able to tolerate long appointments. What is the preferred choice of therapy for the primary mandibular second molar?

Question 6 of 20

7. Defensive reaction of the tooth to dental caries include

Question 7 of 20

8. One of the important signs for diffrential diagnosis of creidocranial dysostosis and craniofacial dysostosis is the presence or absence of a pair of bones. The bones refereed to are the

Question 8 of 20

9. For a patient with acute herpetic gingival stomatitis, the dentist should

Question 9 of 20

10. Reward for a child is

Question 10 of 20

11. All of the following statements are true except:

Question 11 of 20

12. Speech retardation may be considered if the child does not talk by -

Question 12 of 20

13. Class II cavity preparation for amalgam, restorations in deciduous teeth requires

Question 13 of 20

14. Which of the following permanent restorations is the most appropriate after a formocresol pulpotomy has been completed on a primary molar?

Question 14 of 20

15. Which of the following factors in the Stephan's curve is related to the caries incidence and the sugar intake

Question 15 of 20

16. A 6 yr old child who has been diagnosed as hyperkinetic appears at your office in an obvious state of anxiety at the impending treatment.upon interview his mother relates that he is taking 30 mg of methylphenidate daily.which of the following should you do in planning to make the child more manageable

Question 16 of 20

17. Nance holding arch space maintainer is

Question 17 of 20

18. Cleidocranial dysostosis is of interest to the dentist because of

Question 18 of 20

19. A diagnosis of small occlusal cavities is most readily made by the use of

Question 19 of 20

20. A purulent lesion in the facial vestibule of an 8 year old patient is most likely

Question 20 of 20