1. Which of the following grading methods is used to evaluate the prognosis / outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhageHess and Hunt ScaleIntracerebral Hemorrhage scoreGlasgow Coma ScaleGlasgow - Blatchford Bleeding scoreQuestion 1 of 20 2. Extended Criteria for Liver Donation include all of the following, Except:Donor Age > 70 yearsMild Hepatic steatosisDonor after cardiac DeathHBsAg Positive donorsQuestion 2 of 20 3. A young boy had fallen on the road and developed jaw stiffness and severe pain in the neck hours after the trauma Before other treatment one should always excludeTetanusSpinal injuryFracture of mandibleMeningitisQuestion 3 of 20 4. A cross-match is performed by incubatingRecipient serum with a known panel of multiple donor lymphocytesDonor serum with recipient lymphocytes and complementDonor lymphocytes with recipient lymphocytesDonor lymphocytes with recipient serum and complementQuestion 4 of 20 5. The cervical rib syndrome commonly producesRespiratory symptomsDysphagiaNeurological manifestationVascular manifestationQuestion 5 of 20 6. Which of the following sentence is trueSudden hypokalemia after surgery occurs most frequently in diabetic coma treated by insulin and prolonged infusion of saline solution.Following surgery hyperkalemia persists for first 1-3 daysAll of the aboveFollowing surgery hypokalemia persists for first 1-2 daysQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of the following structures is not removed in radical neck dissectionPhrenic nerveSternocleidomastoid muscleSpinal accessory nerveInternal jugular veinQuestion 7 of 20 8. Mid palatal split following Le-Fort 1 osteotomy is done by moving the maxilla in which direction?SuperiorAntero posteriorTransverseInferiorQuestion 8 of 20 9. Agent of choice in day care surgery:Propofol + pethidine + halothaneThiopentone + isoflurane + pethidinePropofol + fentanyl + halothanePropofol + fentanyl + isofluraneQuestion 9 of 20 10. Management of flail chest with respiratory failure isInternal operative fixation of the fractures segmentsChest tube drainageIPPVOxygen administrationQuestion 10 of 20 11. Radiolucent renal stones are composed of:CystineStruviteCalciumUric AcidQuestion 11 of 20 12. All are true regarding Nitrous Oxide except:Poor anesthetic actionPoor muscle relaxantComplete amnesia of procedureGood analgesic actionQuestion 12 of 20 13. While harvesting a costo-chondral graft, the surgeon realizes that he has punctured the parietal pleura, the treatment would beTo suture the pleura under positive pressure and to use ICD under water sealClosure of wound under negative pressure and to place an occlusive dressingClosure of wound under positive pressure and to place an ICD under water sealTo use occlusive dressing after wound closureQuestion 13 of 20 14. Incompatible blood transfusion leads to, which type of hypersensitivity reactionType IType IIType IIIType IVQuestion 14 of 20 15. Which of the following anesthetic agentsis contraindicated in patients with hypertension?DiazepamEtomidateKetaminePropofolQuestion 15 of 20 16. Psammoma bodies seen in A/ESerous cystadenocarcinoma of ovaryMeningiomaPapillary CA of thyroidFollicular CA of thyroidQuestion 16 of 20 17. Cold abscess is related toStreptococcus viridiansMycobacterium tuberculosisNone of the abovePeriapical pathologyQuestion 17 of 20 18. Which one of the following preservatives is used while packing catgut sutureIsopropyl alcoholColloidal iodineGlutaraldehydeHydrogen peroxideQuestion 18 of 20 19. Secondary thyrotoxicosis represents asLong standing with smooth surfaceShort standing with smooth surfaceLong standing with multinodularShort standing with multinodularQuestion 19 of 20 20. Lumbar sympathectomy is of value in the management ofBack painDistal ischemia affecting the skin of toesIntermittent claudicationArteriovenous fistulaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...