1. glycated Hb test before initiating periodontal treatment is done for


2. experimental gingivitis given by


3. Which sign or symptom is most common with a periodontal abscess


4. blood supply of the buccal marginal gingiva is through the


5. Bacterial enzyme capable of degrading host tissues is:


6. High-quality restorations if placed subgingivally will cause


7. Which of the following are antigen-presenting cells?


8. A characteristic sign of aggressive periodontitis in an adolescent (juvenile periodontitis) is


9. the primary source of collegenase in the periodontal pocket is probably


10. which of the following bacteria do not invade host tissue cell


11. Pellicle functions as:


12. The periodontal ligament is constantly remodeled due to the activity of


13. Which of the following is most important in determining the prognosis for a tooth?


14. I-brush is used in case of


15. Age changes associated with the PDL include all of the following, EXCEPT:


16. Which of the following is not a risk indicator for Periodontitis


17. Periodontitis can be associated with all of the following except:


18. Which of the following is most useful in differentiating an acute periodontal abcess from periapical abcess


19. Ultrastructural and biochemical studies have shown that paque microorganisms produce substances which separate them from one another and form a matrix for further plaque accumulation.This matrix is made up of dextrans(glucans)and


20. Polymorphisms in which of the following genes have been associated with severe chronic periodontitis?


Question 1 of 20