1. The teeth usually examined in the simplified oral hygiene index are


2. How are baby breath located while sucking milk


3. Which of the following is true of apexogenesis?


4. There is a marked increase in the incidence of interproximal caries during the age of


5. Space for eruption of permanent mandibular molars is created by


6. Oral bacteria attacks organic components of enamel and the breakdown products have the ability to dissolve the tooth mineral, this is


7. Frankel behavior is divided into how many numbers


8. When no new decay is formed, the frequency of repeated bitewing radiographs recommended in primary dentition is


9. Your patient is 9 years old. The mandibular left first primary molar has a large, carious lesion on the distal and on the occlusal and the tooth has greater mobility than what you would normally expect. You should _____.


10. Mandibular foramina in a 4 year child is located


11. The pulp horn which is most likely to be exposed during cavity preparation on a primary molar is the


12. A young permanent incisor with an open apex has a pinpoint exposure due to a traumatic injury that occurred 24 hours previously. The best treatment is _____.


13. Which amino acid is absent in carisolv


14. For the typical child, bite-wing x-rays should be taken:


15. Mother of a child is worried about green stains on the recently erupted upper anterior teeth of her child. The stains are most probably due to:


16. When treating rampant dental caries the first step is to


17. Your patient is 7 years old and has a very large, carious lesion on tooth T. What radiological factors should be used in determining the best treatment of choice between pulpotomy and primary endodontics?


18. Parents should begin cleaning a child`s mouth


19. Your patient is 4 years old. The maxillary right primary central incisor was traumatically avulsed 60 minutes ago. What is the treatment of choice?


20. A 1-year-old patient has his first dental examination. The dentist reviews with the parent when to expect the next teeth to erupt, teething, oral hygiene tips for toddlers, and discusses fluoride issues with bottled water and toothpaste. The term that describes this proactive approach to dental care is _____.


Question 1 of 20