1. The cotton pellet applied to the pulpal stumps in the formocresol pulpotomy technique should be


2. Babu a 7 & 1/2 year old child reports with a fracture of central incisor with an open apex there is large pulpal exosure.the treatment of choice is


3. Reward for a child is


4. In case of Pulpotomy of a mandibular 2nd primary molar in a five year old child, which local anaesthetic technique is to be used Intrapulpul


5. Diluted resin is used in


6. Primary teeth are lighter than permanent teeth because


7. Which treatment is the proper one for a class ll fracture of a permanent tooth with an immature apex?


8. Which amino acid is absent in carisolv


9. Most natal and neonatal teeth are primary teeth. They should be extracted.


10. The type of GIC used for ART is


11. Mother of a child is worried about green stains on the recently erupted upper anterior teeth of her child. The stains are most probably due to:


12. The presence of higher amounts of proline rich proteins (PRP) can have what kind of effect on caries causation


13. Most common caries seen in primary 1 molar:


14. A lady with an Infant reported to clinic with the complaint of white teeth like structure, at the level of gingiva in mandibular anterior region. What should dentist do?


15. In formocresol pulpotomy cotton is applied over root stumps for


16. In the primary dentition, the mandibular foramen is located where in relation to the plane of occlusion?


17. Your patient is 8 years old. Teeth #8 and #9 have approximately 50% of their crowns erupted. One month ago, the patient fell from a skateboard and hit teeth #8 and #9 on the sidewalk. The radiograph today shows open apices of these teeth, normal PDL, and no apparent periapical radiolucency. The patient has no reaction to electrical pulp tests. What is your treatment of choice?


18. At birth child shows marked convex profile. This is due to


19. When calcium hydroxide is placed in direct contact with viable pulp tissue the major immediate reaction is


20. DIAGNOdent is a diagnostic device for assessing the presence or absence of pit and fissure caries. DIAGNOdent is a


Question 1 of 20