1. Which of the following muscle fibers are entrapped in case of thick maxillary labial frenum?


2. An Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusion can be differentiated from an Angle Class II, division 2 malocclusion based upon the


3. Major site of growth of the mandible:


4. Plane of reference used in transverse direction in WITS analysis:


5. All of the following assumptions are considered true when doing space analysis for calculating space discrepancy except:


6. There is a difference between girls and boys with respect to the age at which the growth velocity reaches its peak.


7. One of the greatest advantages of using extra-oral anchorage is that:


8. Facial index of 85.6% means:


9. Transverse cant of occlusal plane is seen in frontal plane examination. It occurs due to:


10. Apertognathia means:


11. Appropriate forces for orthodontic tooth movement are


12. In true deep bite freeway space is


13. Which of the following malocclusions is most appropriately corrected immediately upon diagnosis?


14. Angle’s classification of occlusion is based on


15. The most likely reason for extracting four first premolars in orthodontics is because of


16. The angle SNA can be used to evaluate the


17. an Angle Class I occlusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with


18. For planning treatment in a patient with facial asymmetry requiring orthognathic surgery, which of the following is required:


19. Everted prominent lips with small mandible indicates:


20. When permanent maxillary lateral incisors are congenitally missing, the permanent canine may often erupt:


Question 1 of 20