1. Cellulitis is caused by


2. Bed sore is a type of:


3. FAST stands for


4. During emergency when plasma match s not available, all the following can be given except


5. The best method of controlling bleeding is to


6. Which is the correct statement regarding facial nerve palsy in temporal bone fractures:


7. Nasogastric tubes have a green line running through their entire length, this is


8. To prevent excessive bleeding during surgery a patient with haemophilia A may be given


9. Most common sign of airway obstruction


10. In the healing of an ulcer, the epithelium that eventually will cover the defect is derived from


11. Cold abscess formation is due to


12. A 5 year old child spills boiling water accidentally over her face and trunk. Which of the following methods is the most accurate to estimate the body surface area involved in burns?


13. Contraindications to parenteral nutrition may include all except


14. CSF rhinorrhea is from the


15. Syncope is usually caused by


16. True regarding Non accidental traumatic fractures all except:


17. Shock is a circulatory disturbance characterized by:


18. Most common site of CSF rhinorrhea is due to fracture of:


19. A person has been brought in casualty with history of road accident. He had lost consciousness transiently and then gained consciousness but again became unconscious. Most likely, he is having brain hemorrhage


20. Which of the following parts of the body is not affected by leprosy


Question 1 of 20