1. Carbon dioxide is transported in blood by a variety of mechanisms.Which of the following is quantitatively the most important method for transporting CO2?


2. all of the following are true ablout intestinal motility except


3. What role do the lungs play in the pathogenesis of systemic hypertension?


4. why fetal cells continue to divide but terminally differentiated adult cells do not divide


5. vagal stimulation of the heart causes


6. Following is given with iron to increase its absorption


7. Vagal stimulation of the heart causes decrease in heart rate by


8. Proximal convoluted tubule have which type of aquaporins


9. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains?


10. which of the following is required for conversion of prothombin to thrombin


11. True about bezold-jarish reflex


12. The resultant decrease in blood flow causes by partial obstruction of the renal artery by an atherosclerotic plaque increases release of an enzyme from which of the following structures?


13. Salivary amylase is activated by


14. Which of the following binds to von Willebrand factor at the platelet membrane?


15. Least conduction velocity is seen in


16. Which of the following regions of the nephron is capable of the greatest level of glucose reabsorption?


17. absorption of dietary iron from GIT is not affected by simultaneous intake of


18. The blood within the vessels doesnot clot normally because


19. If diameter of a vessel is doubled


20. interleukins and growth factors are


Question 1 of 20