1. Chymotrypsinogen is a


2. during cardiac imaging the phase of minimum motion of heart is


3. Largest reserve of energy in body stored as


4. bile acid pool circulates


5. Ribosomes are attached to


6. C ‘wave in JVP is due to


7. Most important hormone for gall bladder contraction to release bile


8. Ringer lactate contains all except


9. Which of the following indices would be expected to be decreased in a kidney donor after full recovery from the removal of the kidney?


10. baroreceptor are located in


11. Inner plexus in GIT is


12. A dietary deficiency of which of the following is most strongly associated with a neural tube defect at the base of the fetus’s spine?


13. Which of the following substances will be elevated in the plasma of a patient with nephrotic syndrome caused by membranous glomerulonephritis?


14. absorption of dietary iron from GIT is not affected by simultaneous intake of


15. A patient has recurrent attacks of asthma that occur most frequently after aspirin administration. Which of the following is the pathogenetic mechanism in this form of asthma?


16. Which of the following is decreased as a result of hyperventilation?


17. When the pulse is greater than 200/min and the blood pressure is 75/40 mm Hg, what adjustments have probably occurred in the cardiac cycle?


18. sertoli cells play a key role in which of the following process


19. Cerebral perfusion pressure is


20. Which of the following urinary constituents is probably present in abnormally high concentration and accounts for bubbles in the urine and generalized edema, especially noticeable in dependent regions and under the eyes?


Question 1 of 20