1. Which of the following antibiotic is used in the treatment of clostridium difficile associated diarrhea Metronidazole Ciprofloxacin Clindamycin Piperacillin 2. Statins are used for cholesterol reduction, It antagonises HMG COA reductase. What kind of inhibition is seen Competitive Non specific Functional Non competitive 3. Red man syndrome is due to Vancomycin Polymyxin Rifampicin Teicoplanin 4. Post dural (spinal) puncture headache is due to Traumatic damage to nerve roots Seepage of CSF Toxic effects of drugs Fine needle 5. Drug given for emergency treatment of angina in a patient with ischemic heart disease Glyceride trinitrate Clopidogrel Isosorbide dinitrate Aspirin 6. Which of the following statements is not true regarding sulphonamides Sulphonamide administration to newborn may cause kernicterus Crystalluria can occur with sulphonamide administration Sulphonamides are of value in treatment of infections due to nocardia species Sulphasalazine is absorbed well from GIT 7. Which drug causes least hepatic failure: Rifampicin Streptomycin Pyrazinamide INH 8. The most potent and longest acting anaesthetic agent is Bupivacaine Dibucaine Lignocaine Tetracaine 9. A non-competitive inhibitor of an enzyme Decreases Vmax Increases Km with no or little change in Vmax Decreases Km Increases Vmax 10. 1st line systemic antifungal drug for management ofCandidiasis: Miconazole Fluconazole Ketoconazole Itraconazole 11. Which of the following acts by inhibiting cell wall synthesis: Erythromycin Nalidixic acid Ciprofloxacin Penicillin 12. In spinal anaesthesia the drug is deposited between Dura and vertebra Dura and arachnoid Pia and arachnoid Into the cord substance 13. The oral pharyngeal and Oesophageal candidiasis following longterm therapy with a broad spectrum antibiotic can be best treated with Sulfonates Griseofulvin Amphotericin Fluconazole 14. Which of the following cephalosporins can be used in patients with low GFR Cefoperazone Ceftazidime Cefuroxime Cefixime 15. 4th generation cephalosporin: Cefepime Cefixime Cefaclor Cefotaxime 16. Amphotericin B is used in treatment of all except Rickettsiae Fungi Protozoa Staphylococcus 17. Therapeutic drug index is used to assess Efficacy Potency Safety Toxicity 18. All of the following anticancer agents cause bone marrow depression except Doxarubicin Flutamide Daunorubicin Chlorambucil 19. Anaesthetic agent which is explosive in the presence of cautery Trilene Nitorus oxide Ether Halothane 20. Xylometazoline is used before nasal intubation as it causes: Dilation of nasal orifice/increasing chances of bleeding Relaxation of choanal opening Vasoconstriction Shrinkage of turbinates Loading … Question 1 of 20