1. Glucogenic amino acid transported to the liver most commonly


2. Which of the following techniques can be used for exact localisation of a genetic locus


3. serum creatinine is most accurately measured by


4. Coenzyme used in Kreb’s cycle is


5. Proteins are seperated on the basis of charge in


6. Brain damage in phenylketonuria is due to accumulation of


7. fluorescence means


8. Glycogen breakdown leads to formation of


9. which of the following enzymes catalyse the irreversible steps of glycolysis


10. In prolonged starvation the main energy source of brain is


11. Xylitol is a


12. the nitrogen of the body is suplied by


13. Guanidinium group is associated with


14. type of collagen present in hyaline cartilage is


15. Which of the following is used to study protein-protein interaction


16. a person with von Gierke’s disease has ketosis. All are true for ketosis in this patient except


17. starting material for production of insulin from bacteria is


18. In glycolysis ATP is produced by the following enzyme


19. Malonate competetively inhibits


20. the major fate of glucose -6 phosphate in tissue in a well fed state is


Question 1 of 20