1. Which of the following cells in the body metabolise glucose only through anaerobic pathways


2. Which of the following techniques can be used for exact localisation of a genetic locus


3. for glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a PHC to lab is


4. During gluconeogenesis reducing equivaents from mitochondria to cytosol are transported by


5. Major source of ammonia in the kidney is


6. HMP shunt occurs in all organs except


7. The citric acid cycle is the final pathway for oxidation of


8. Which of the following is used to study protein-protein interaction


9. the structural proteins are involved in maintaining the shape of cell or in the formation of matrices in the body.the shape of these proteins is


10. Transamination of alanine results in formation of


11. Creatinine is formed from


12. In citric acid cycle,NADH is produced by


13. Gluconeogenesis takes place in


14. In TCA cycle , substrate level phosphorylation occurs at


15. Optically inactive amino acid is


16. true about denaturation of proteins is all except


17. Which of the following is a precursor of protoporphyrin


18. fireflies produces light due to


19. Brain damage in phenylketonuria is due to accumulation of


20. Inhibitor of F0F1 ATPase in Electron transport chain-


Question 1 of 20